• Chapter 10 • - Hold me in the ocean

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( A/n)Hey! So- when it explains who's sat with who in the bus, it's in bold so I can easily find it when I wanna remember who I sent to the beach and who skipped out. Thanks for reading, enjoy this chapter. It'd gonna be so long omg.

No-ones POV


The sun was beating down through the open window of Katsuki's room, the wind gently flowing in his hair. Beep, beep, beep. Katsuki's eyes opened slowly. He laid on his front, the left side off his face on his pillow. His legs were slightly parted and he was laid on his arms. "Ugh." He grunted, getting up. When his feet hit the ground, he felt himself loose his balance slightly and fall forward, having to do everything he could to not fall. "Up, up, rise and shine!" Mina yelled, stumbling into his room.
"What!" Katsuki screamed, angrily.
"We're going to the beach in an hour, get ready!" She smiled. Katsuki rolled his eyes and waked over to his wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the day. "Who's coming?" He asked, still looking through his clothes.
"You, me, Kirishima, Tsu, Denki, Jiro, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Yaemomo, Hagakura, Sero, Mineta." She replied.
"So most the class?" Katsuki asked, pulling out a shirt to wear. She nodded and turned away from his room.
"I'll be going to get everyone else now." Mina said, ready to leave. Katsuki didn't respond, he continued looking for clothes and anything to bring. Ashido slammed the door shut behind her, walking away.

Bakugo looked up. He was now stood alone in his quiet room. Perfect. He searched through his belongings to find a flower crown for Eijiro, one he had made himself. It was made with red roses and white lillies, two of Eijiro's favroite flowers. He placed the flower crown into a plastic bag and then into the bag of his belongings. In there was some clothes for after, a towel, snorkel gear and much more.

He picked up the large blue bag and walked from his room. When Bakugo arrived at the living area of the dorms, he saw a few of his classmates chatting and waiting for the others. Most the girls where in dresses, skirts or shorts with frilled shirts or crop tops. Most the boys had normal, shot sleeves shirts on and shorts down to just above their knees.

"Wowie." Mineta drooled, staring at Ochaco and Tsu, who where sat next to Izuku and chatting. Ochaco was in a tight pink top with a short white skirt, some sandels covering her feet. Tsu was in a black crop top and had a small jacket over her arms, just in case. She was wearing a white skirt that went down to her knees. Izuku was wearing some denim shorts that went to the middle of his thighs and a short sleeved, yellow shirt.

"Hey, grapes." Bakugo said, wanting to protect his classmates from the little idiots gaze. Minoru's head spun round' to see Bakugo, storming at him in anger. "Why are we bringing this creep along when there's gonna be girls in bikinis?" Bakugo yelled, curious. It hit Izuku that Minoru was staring at Ochaco and he became over protective, pulling her in close to him and wrapping his arms around her. Bakugo, deep down, felt happy for them. He'd never show it of course, it's Bakugo. "Bakugo!" Kirishima came running, wearing a navy blue buttoned up shirt that wasn't exactly buttoned up. He was wearing some light gray shorts and normal trainers. Bakugo's head spun round' and his cheeks began to become flushed. He could see Eijiro's chest and lost his balance. "Kacchan!" Izuku yelled, letting go of Ochaco and rushing to his friend. "Are you- Kacchan?" Izuku stared at the blonds face, realising what just happened. He saw Katsuki staring at Eijiro, his face red. Izuku wanted to be a good friend and not say anything, so he just helped Katsuki up onto the sofa and went back to his 'definitely not girlfriend.'

Eijiro arrived at the group, some of who where wondering why Bakugo was sat on the sofa with his face in his hands and his elbows on his lower thighs, just above his knee.
"Bakubro, you good there?" Kirishima teased, sitting down next to the flustered blond.
"I'm fine, weird hair." Bakugo replied, not looking up so the red head next to him couldn't see his flushed cheeks.

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