• Cozy here with you •

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Bakugou's perspective

"Y'know, i'm not drunk."

My eyes dart back to the red head stood next to me, my eyes widening with shock. I can't tell if he's blushing, I think he is. I certainly am. I can feel how hot me cheeks are. The red head looks away from me, wrapping his arms around his body.

"Sorry." He muttered out. "But... can you stay with me tonight? I'm still struggling sleeping." I nod and move to put my arm around his shoulder. He looks at me in shock as I pull him into a slight hug, keeping him secure in my grasp with my arm around him.


We arrive quickly at my dorm. "We're gonna stay in my room, ok?" I stay, stern tone. He nods.

I try to keep my mind out of the gutter as he changes into one of my hoodies, trying not to think about the fact he kissed me and liked it, he kissed me on purpose. I keep my eyes averted from him, making sure I don't see him changing, like I promised.
"Done Bakubro." He says, I nod and grab something for me to wear too.
"Turn around, I don't want you seeing me changing." He nods and turns, pulling the hood over his head so I know he can't move his eyes and look.

I quickly change into a simple black t-shirt and some actually pyjama bottoms.

"You can look now." I say. Kirishima had earlier pulled on a grey hoodie and some pyjama bottoms, similar to mine.

"You could've worn a t-shirt if you wanted to, aren't you gonna be too warm in that?" I ask.
"I don't know, if I get too hot I guess I can change. Plus I think it'll be cold tonight anyway so it doesn't matter." He replies.
I shrug, "get in then." I say, climbing into my bed and pushing myself up to the wall, making sure he'll be able to fit in.

The red-head runs to me quickly and climbs on the bed, pulling my dark-grey blankets over us and cuddling up to me. I hold my breath as my face goes bright red, putting my arms around him and burying my face in his messy hair.

Does he like me. Does he like me. Does he like me or was it the heat of the moment. I'm so confused. I'm so confused.

I look down to the sleeping boy in my arms, the heat of my cheeks still rising. My body feel weird, like only comfortable. I guess this is what being in love feels like, what being affectionate feels like.

I guess this is what he feels like.

I pull him in tighter, kissing his head through the soft red hair. I mutter out words I can't exactly remember . My eyes close and I feel myself fall asleep, my body becoming limp and my heart still pounding in my chest. Everything still feels slow and gentle and my brain is all messed up. I blame him. I love him.

"I love you."

Kirishimas perspective

I open my eyes slowly and look up, Bakugou is asleep. I smile gently.

"Love you too." And I lay back down, letting myself fall back asleep.

And it's true, I do love him too. I'm just not ready to tell him while he's awake yet. And he's clearly not ready to tell me.

(A/n) words: 571
This is the last chapter everyone, look out for the second book :] hope you enjoyed!

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