Chapter 6 - Pocky

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Katsuki's Perspective


Eijiro's head had slipped down and was now on my lap, sleeping softly. Denki was chatting away about something as we waited for Mona to return with more people, like she said she would. "Who do you think Todoroki likes?" Denki blurted out, catching my attention. "Probably the rich chick, or Deku's little girlfriend," I responded, "or maybe even Deku himself." I sniggered, then it me. "I probably can't make those jokes." I placed a pocky stick on my mouth, trying to eat as many as I could so we had less to play with when Mina got back. Denki nodded and placed a pocky stick on his mouth too. He also didn't wanna play, can't imagine why. "We're here!" Mina yelled, bursting thought my door. She was followed by Half n' half, Yaomomo, Hagakura, Tsu and the little perv, Mineta. "I got more members to our par-ta." Mina laughed, flinging herself on the floor. I gently pushed Kirishima off my lap and stood up, arms crossed and a slightly angered expression on my face. "Bakugo, stop looking so annoyed." Tsu smiled at me as Mina grabbed a few boxes of pocky.
"You really like pocky, Bakugo." She laughed, placing the boxes down.
"I don't wanna play, I'm just here to watch." Mineta said, being somewhat respectful to his friends for once. He didn't want to play because he thought I liked Tsu and thought something was going on between Momo and Icyhot and he just generally didn't want to kiss Mina, last time he tried she slapped him so hard he cried. "Sorry about earlier." I muttered. Mineta nodded.
"It's fine." He replied.
"Let's partner up." Momo grinned. Denki sat down in front of Mina and Momo sat down in front of Todoroki, Mineta hinting to me to sit in front of Tsu. I didn't want him to think i lied about having feelings for Tsu so I sat in front of her, trying to act flustered. Okay, bush. I gulped as I let thoughts of Kirishima run through my mind. My face went red, a small smile spread on my face and my eyes soft. "Wow, Tsu must really be getting to him." I overheard Mineta say to Denki.
"Yeah, thats it." He teased, looking at Mina. Mina looked confused for a second, but brushed it off.
"Grab your sticks and lets start!" Mina grinned, so we did. I opened the box an grabbed a pocky stick, placing it in my mouth.
"Come on then." I said, muffled. Tsu smiled and put the other end of the pocky stick on her mouth. We both began to bite forward on the stick of biscuit covered in chocolate. Our faces began to get closer and closer, before our lips touched. I was determined to win, I wasn't going to give up. Our lips touching formed into a proper kiss. We sat there for a few seconds, mouth on mouth, before she pulled away. "That was nice." She said, "you're a decent kisser, rabbit." I rolled my eyes. The only person I ever want to be kissing is Kirishima, only his opinion of my ability to kiss matters. "I have to confess something." Tsu whispered, picking up another pocky stick.
"Hm?" I replied, watching her place the biscuit in her mouth. She moved forward and I put my mouth around the stick, we then moved out heads forward. As we moved them forward, biting down on it, out lips touched again. We kissed for a good minute before I pulled away, feeling wrong about this kiss. I don't know why I did, maybe because she was a girl, maybe because she was Tsu, maybe because I only had eyes for Kiri? Who knows. Who cares. "I-" she cut herself off, pulling another pocky stick from the box. "I have feelings for Mina." She gulped, holding the pocky stick in front of her, the end pointing at both of us. She's a lesbian? Or maybe bi, or pan, or omni. I don't know what her sexuality is but the fact I'm not the only person in class who has feelings for someone of the same gender filled me with relief. Me and Tsu where sat pretty far away from the others, who where still playing and being awkward. I grabbed the pocky stick from Tsu's hand and pushed my lips on hers, forming a kiss. The pocky stick wasn't in our mouths, this wasn't part of the game, I had just saw Mineta staring and needed to do something, and fast.

"What was that, ribbit," Tsu whisper-yelled.
"I needed to get Mineta to stop staring." I replied. "The truth is, I think we need to team up. You like Mina, I like someone- someone I shouldn't." I said, dropping the pocky stick on the ground.
"Who?" She asked.
"Ki-kirishima." I pulled my face away from hers as they where still pretty close and stared at the sleeping red head on my bed. Her eyes widened slightly, but went back to their normal size not ever 2 seconds later, "I see." She smiled slightly. "I may have a plan on how we can hide it." She said again.
"What?" I responded.
"I'll tell you when we're alone, ribbit." I nodded in response and we continued the game.


Okay, this also wasn't as fluffy as I wanted it to be, but Eijiro was asleep the whole time so I couldn't do much. I'm hoping to add more Bakushima to the next chapter but it might end up not being very bakushima, who knows. Hope you liked this chapter, I didn't. Thanks for reading- whatever this is. Cya

Words: 889

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