Chapter 8 - "DAMN IT IDIOT, YOU HAD ME WORRIED" said bakugo

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No-ones Perspective


Katsuki's eyes slowly opened, the light of the moon shining in. His head turned and he saw a sleeping Mina and Denki cuddled up under a big fluffy red blanket, to his other side Shoto was laid just on the floor, his fingers slightly touching Momo's. Katsuki sat up with a grunt, looking around the room. "Eijiro?" he mumbled. Eijiro was no-where to be seen, not a sign of his anywhere in the room. Maybe he had left to go get his new blazer. He gulped and climbed to his feet, rubbing his eyes. "4AM?" He said, looking at the clock. It was only 4am, Eijiro should have been asleep like the rest of them. Katsuki looked at himself on the mirror, he was dressed in an oversized gray shirt and some random long shorts. "When did I get changed?" He muttered, trying to remember all the events of the night before.

Katsuki shrugged it off and grabbed a jacket, one marked with a skull. he pulled the jacket over his shoudlers and walked to his door, rubbing his eyes. It's 4am why am I up. He thought to himself, opening his door and leaving his room. The hallway was dark and empty, it was cold and eery, nothing but silence. He walked down the hallway, walking till he hit Eijiro's room. "Kirishima." He muttered, creaking open the door. The door swung open and revealed an empty room, an empty messy room. "Kirishima!" Katsuki yelled, spinning around and rushing to Izuku's room, breathing heavily. He pounded on Izuku's door, "Deku! Deku! Deku!" His heart raced and his eyes burned with tears. Izuku opened the door slowly, an angry look on his face. "What?" Katsuki looked behind the curly haired boy to see a mess of a room. "Kirishima, he's missing." Katsuki panicked, grabbing into the smaller boys shoulders. "I don't know where he's gone but he is!"
"Calm down, Kacchan, we'll find him." Izuku replied, now worried to. "We'll go tell a teacher, where have you checked?" They began to walk down the hallway.
"Well him and some others stayed at my room last night and I woke up and he was gone, so I went to check his room and he wasn't there, just a total mess and a wide open window." Katsuki was breathing heavily, only worry could fill his body.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku yelled, banging on Aizawas door. The tired teacher opened the door and looked down at the two, a look of annoyment spread across his face. "What?" He scoffed.
"Kirishima missing!" Izuku remarked. Aizawas eyes widened. "I'll call the police, you get looking for him in case he's just fell asleep somewhere random, get everyone up!" And so they did.

The classmates of 1a where searching the whole UA campus, top to bottom, left to right, no sign of the red head. "It'll be okay, dude." Denki said, attempting to comfort the worried blond stood next to him. "How! My best friend, the person i freaking love is just- gone!" Katsuki screamed, tears forming in his eyes. "I couldn't find him." Tsu rushed, in, worried. She saw Katsuki sat on his knees on the floor, sobbing, Denki's hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, ribbit, I'm sure he's okay. If Mina ever went mission, ribbit- I'd feel the same." Tsu said, sitting down next to Katsuki. "Is Mina your best friend?" Denki asked, nervously.
"She knows about my crush on Kirishima, Denki." Katsuki scowled, through sobs.
"And- I have feelings for Mina." She pulled her knees to her chest ashamed of herself.
"Oh my god you two would be so cute together." Denki smiled.
"Wait- you don't like Mina?" Tsu asked, extremely confused.
"Nah, she's like- my sister." Denki said, "we're just mates, thats all."
"Oh, thats a relief." Tsu sighed.

The three looked for Eijiro in a group, deciding to take it upon themselves to look outside the school. "Ei?" A tired Katsuki muttered, looking over and seeing a red head with messy hair walking towards them. It was now 10am, morning. They'd been looking since just after 4:30 in the morning. "Were where you!" Katsuki screamed, rushing up and grabbing Eijiro's shoulders. "Sorry bro, I got a wine off job for a little extra cash and for held back a few hours." He grinned, showing his shark-like teeth. Katsuki's eyes steamed up, overflowing with tears. He took in a deep breath and let our a cry, falling into Eijiro's chest. "DAMN IT IDIOT, YOU HAD ME SO DAMN WORRIED" he screamed, grasping onto Eijiro's hoodie. Eijiro felt his eyes prickle wohr tears aswell, and he knew there was no holding back. "I'm sorry, Bakugo, I am, I didn't wmns to scare you." He sobbed, grabbing Katsuki. Katsuki stood up fully and pulled the slightly shorter male into his chest, taking a deep breath in. "Do that again and I'll kill you." He trembled. Eijiro nodded in agreement and moved his head, wiping his tears. "Sorry, bakubro." Katsuki nodded at him.
"We should tell sir we found him, ribbit." Tsu croacked. The group agreed and they headed back to Aizawa.


Did he mean that. Eijiro thought to himself whilst he was sat in class. Was the almighty better than everyone, dosen't care about anyone but himself, worried about someone but himself? Was he?!


Words: 903

This one's kinda lazy but kinds sweet. Hope you enjoyed, this chapter feels so much shorter than the others but eh. Cya!

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