• Chapter 16 • Can't take this

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Bakugo's perspective

"Can't believe you got that guys number wile you're still in love with Kirishima." Ashido whispered to me, making sure Kiri didn't hear.
"It's not a romantic thing. He wanted to be friends." I replied, scoffing.
"You, friends? Ha!" Mina laughed. I shrugged and grunted, rolling my eyes. I looked over to the window, staring at the moving world beside me.
"Oh my god!" I yelled, jumping up and hitting my head of the top off the bus.
"Sit down please, sir." The derived said, looking at me in the mirror. I feel back in my chair and screamed into my hands, kicking th bottom of the chair in front of me.
'What?" Mina said. I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was air, before i leant back in my chair once again and put my hand over my eyes. DAMNIT!

"Goodnight!" Ashido yelled, running off away from me to her room.
"You— you said I could stay in your room tonight." Kirishima shrugged, walking towards me.
"Yah, so?" I blushed.
"Can I still?" He asked, his cheeks sorta red. I nodded, trying not to look at him.
"Cmon then, crappy hair, leets go!" I yelled, quietly. H nodded and grinned, showing his teeth. We walked to my room, my key slipping in the lock and unlocking it quickly.
"Do you wanna go get pyjamas or wear mine?" I asked, under my breath.
"Can I just wear yours?" He asked in response. I felt my face heat up and slapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.
"Wh-whatever, don't give a crap." I walked in my room, trying not to show my reddened face to Kirishima, hearing him following me as the door shut with a click and the light switched on. The warm, golden light lit up the room, high lifting my black bed sheets and messy desk.
'You should probably tidy up in here." Kirishima laughed, grabbing my notebooks. My eyes shot over to him when i noticed he had picked up a red notebook that I just drew Kirishima in all day. "Don't touch that" I screamed, clenching as I realised how suspicious I was being.
"Why? What is it?" he pleaded, shoving open the front cover. It luckily opened to an empty page.
"That's my— uh— diary!" i yelled, snatching it off him.
'Oh, dude I'm so sorry.  I thought it was just gonna be pictures of me and the squad." He laughed. I gulped and put the notebook on my esk, quickly neatening it up slightly.
"Dude, whys your bed so messy?" He laughed, fixing the blankets on my bed. I blushed and pulled open my drawer, searching for a comfortable hoodie to fit him. I pulled out one I had made to resemble my hero costume. It was way too big for me so I thought he could wear it and it would be even bigger, as he's like half a inch shorter than me.  Gulped ad looked over to Kirishima, who was picking up my clothes and putting them in a basket. Ever since I fell for Kiri, I spend most my nights staring at pictured he sent me of him, us, the Baku squad. If it includes him, I stay up late staring. I kinda stopped tidying up. I didn't think I'd have to.

"Here." I said, in an angry-ish tone.
"Thanks bro." And he decided to get changed right in front of me. He removed his shirt and pulled the large hoodie over his upper-body. I tried not to scream as I saw his chest, but it was getting harder and harder not to grab and kiss him. He then pulled off his pants and jumped on the bed, letting me see his mix-matched socks. I laughed gently under my breath as I stared at the one red and white, one orange and black sock. "Stop staring at my feet and get changed!" He yelled. I got flustered as he noticed I was staring at his feet, also kinda at his legs, and spun around yelling inaudible sentences. Once I'd finished changing, I noticed he was cuddled into my pillow. I laughed gently again and climbed our him onto the bed, replacing the pillow with myself in his arms. "You're so comfortable , bro." Kiri whispered, muffled by my chest. I laughed gently and put my face in his red hair, feeling his body relax in my arms.

His hand ran down my back as he slowed and onto my leg. I bit my lip to hold back screaming, and attempted not to kiss his head. I lost. I moved slightly, seeing he was fast asleep, and moved him onto his front, moving over and kissing his head. By now I was on top of him, staring at his sleeping face, his hair ruffled from my playing with it subconsciously. I stared down at his lips, slightly parted. I looked down at his chest, watching him breath gently. I smiled and over my face closer. To his, pressing my nose against his. What am I doing. I thought, I tried to pull away, but it only got harder. Everything did. I pressed my lips on his and kissed, pulling away fast ad breathing quick, realising what I just did. When I caught my breath, I did it again. "MM!" I pulled away, staring at Kirishimas open eyes. he kissed back. And was awake. "Heey~ Katsuki." he giggled. He moved upwards and locked out lips. Did he think he was dreaming. I it my hands on his face nd melted into it. When the kiss broke, I flopped beside him, watching his slowly fall back to seep, hand in mine. "I— i'm cold." He coughed. I pulled him in and flopped him over, spooning him. I pulled up the blankets, which where down at out legs, up over the both of his. I buried my head i his hair and gently kissed, before letting myself drift off to sleep.


Don't mind me, just thinking that this is the best thing I've ever wrote.
Hope you enjoyed!!
Words: 1009

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