• Chapter 9 • - Unafraid

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No-ones perspective


Eijiro sat in class, a few hours till the day was over. All day the thoughts had been running through his mind, the ability to take a quick nap on class impossible.


Did he mean that? Yes, yes he did. Did Eijiro know that, no, no he didn't. "Kirishima," Iida said, "sir is talking to you." Eijiro's head looked up, slowly, to their teacher, of who was stood in front of him staring angrily. "Oh, hi sir."
"I asked you three times, I know you where missing all morning but that dosen't exuse the fact that you're ignoring me, in my class." He scolded. Eijiro tried to keep his eyes open but the lack of sleep was catching up with him at a great speed. He nodded slowly, struggling to keep his eyes open, his focus on the teacher. His eyes moved over to Katsuki, practically begging for help. Katsuki looked red and had been staring at the young red head. "Ba-ku-go." He stuttered, under his breath.

Katsuki saw him mouth his name, he couldn't hear the red head say it under his breath bur he saw it. "Stop!!" Katsuki screamed, standing up and slamming his hands on the table. "You're making him nervous!" Aizawa looked down at Eijiro, seeing his hands gripped and his bottom lip bit, ever so slightly. His eyebrows where slanted up and he looked on the verge of tears. The lack of sleep was blocking his ability to be strong, to not let everything get to him. "I'm sorry, Kirishima." Aizawa said, trying to calm him down, seeing something was clearly wrong. Katsuki sighed and sat back down. "You're really a good friend to him, Katsuki." Jiro said, smiling. Katsuki felt his cheeks heat up, and his tsundere side kicked in.

"We're not friends, just- allies."
"Stop being so tSunDeRe." She teased.
"I was just doing what was right." Katsuki scoffed. Jiro giggled, knowing something she shouldn't know, or at least having a hunch. Class dragged on, Katsuki couldn't stop staring over at Eijiro and Eijiro was half asleep. At first I thought he was staring at Tsu, but the ways he talks to Kirishima... Jiro thought to herself. The sun was hitting against Katsuki's face from the window, heating up the half of his face facing away from Eijiro. He moved his gaze away from Eijiro, looking at the outside world. "Bakugo, please pay attention." Aizawa said, barley catching the blonds attention. Katsuki looked with his eyes and nodded slightly, "hm." He then looked back out the window and continued to think about Eijiro. "Their lips were locked together, forming a kiss." All that could run through Katsuki's mind was the kiss. It was just a stupid game but it was a kiss, a real one, between both of them. A smile formed on Katsuki's lips, his cheeks getting redder. He was gonna think about that all day and he knew it.

"Bakugo." Mina said, after school. Katsuki was laid on the grass, staring up at the sun. He was laid wearing a white shirt and some simple shorts, the heat completely changing his style. He didn't react to Mina shouting his name, he didn't care. "I have to ask you something." She said, sitting down next to Katsuki. He looked over at her, showing his usual annoyed face. "Do you like someone?" She asked. Katsuki sat up fast, eyes wide. "No!" He yelled in response, being awful at hiding his lies.
"Oh my god, you do!" She teased, "Who!"
"I-" Was he ready? Katsuki gulped. Maybe Mina is okay to tell, she's a decent person, she's nice, she's be a good help. "Kir-Kirishima." Katsuki mumbled. Mina's eyes widened in shock. "Oh. My. god." She said in shock, "I totally ship this." She teased, then cringing at herself.
"And I wanna know who you like." Katsuki said again, knowing she liked someone.
"Denki." Mina lied, covering up whatever the truth really was. Katsuki couldn't tell.
"Bakugo!" Tsu yelled, running up to him. "I need to talk to you." Katsuki nodded and stood up, following her away from Mina.
"What?" He asked.
"Does Ashido know about your feelings for Kirishima, ribbit?" Tsu asked. Katsuki nodded. "This fouls my plans." She sighed, "Should we use her to help you get Kirishima, ribbit?" Tsu asked again. Katsuki nodded and moved his hair from his face, overheated. "Okay, let me think, how can we use her knowing about your crush on Kirishima to help you get Kiri and me get her." Tsu said, once again.
"We- we could-" He was out, Katsuki couldn't think.
"What you could do is use Tsu and Mina eloping you get with Kirishima to get them two closer and them helping you two will- well you get it." Jiro said.
'Ji-jiro!" Katsuki stuttered, not noticing she was there. "We-"
"don't say anything." She said, "I always knew you two liked those two, or at least i had a hunch, but this is all the proof I need." She grinned. "Why are you helping us?" Tsu asked, knowing what Jiro is like.
"Because Mina likes Denki, and I want Denki. Plus- i need more good friendships." She replied.
"Makes sense." Katsuki shrugged.

They got back to Mina, who was now sat, talking to Denki. "Hey, duche face." Jiro giggled.
"Mean much." Denki said, playing with Mina's hair. Tsu rushed over to the two and sat down, trying to stop anything happening between them. "Can- can I play with your hair?" Tsu asked, Denk pulling his hands away from her pink locks.
"sure!" Mina said, moving in front of Tsu. She began to run her fingers through Mina's hair, feeling blush form on her face.
"Where's Kirishima?" jiro asked, moving slightly closer to Kaminari.
"Here!" Eijiro replied, siting down next to Katsuki. The sun blinded down on he group, heating them all up fully. The temperature of the day was 32 degrees (Celsius) and everyone was overheating. "Do you think we'll end off tomorrow? it's gone be 45 degrees." Mina asked.
"I guess, yeah." Eijiro replied.
"If we are, wanna get some more of out friends and we all go to the beach?" Mina continued.
"Sure" Tsu answered, swiftly.
"Sounds fun." Denki grinned.
"Alright." Jiro said, putting her hand next to Denki's.
"If Ei- Kirishima's going, I guess I'll go." Katsuki shrugged.
"Yup, I'm on board." Eijiro replied.

"All students will be off tomorrow!" Mic yelled.
"Oh wonderful." Katsuki rolled his eyes.


I secretly love this chapter
Well its not really secretly.
Have a nice day/night/evening/morning

Words: 1091

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