• Chapter 17 • Goodmorning

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Bakugo's perspective

"Kiss me again, please." Kirishima begged.

My eyes shot open, Kirishima asleep in my arms. I breathed out slowly, wiping the sweat from my head. Last night, I kissed him. I actually kissed him. He thought it was a dream, I'm sure, but it really happened. I put my finger on my lip, remembering how he pulled himself in. I laughed gently, cuddling back into him. He turned, cuddling into my chest.
"Yeah, you're not straight." I muttered, before placing my face in his fluffed up red hair. For a second, I lost my breath. He kissed my chest. My heart pounded and I began to sweat, biting the inside of my bottom lip. What was he dreaming about to kiss me in his sleep. I lifted his head away from my chest and onto the pillow. His eyes where still tight shut. I felt a laugh move my chest as I hugged back into him.

"Hey Bakugo..." He said, his tone tired. I tsked and moved my face away noticing I had pulled him onto my chest and was laid on my back.
"Hi." I scoffed out, wrapping my arms more around his body. I heard a muffled laugh of his come from his mouth as he buried his face back into my shirt.
"Can we just stay like this for a while?" He asked, under his breath.
"D-"I cut myself off. What was the point of keeping up an angry tough dude persona when being here made us both so happy. "Yeah." I grinned. My body grew hot as I looked around the room. It was still dark in here, the curtains blocking most the light from the dim sunlight.

"Good morning!" I jumped in a startle as I heard a muffled voice and a lounge banging on my door.
"Frick off Ashido!" I yelled, coving Kirishimas ears with my arms.
"C'mon, it's Saturday!" She laughed.
"I said frick off!" My attempt to not wake up Kiri was failing when he stirred in disturbance. I gently shushed him and played with his hair, causing him to fall back to sleep in my arms. "Good boy." I muttered, burying my face in his hair.
"Bakugooo!" Ashido complained.
"Oh my god..." I muttered, slowly getting up after. I tucked Kirishima fully under the blankets, making sure there was a gal for him to breath, and walked to my dorm room door. "What?" I whispered, opening the door enough to only see me stood in the way, blocking most my room.
"Not like you to sleep past 6:30?" She questioned.
"I can do what I freaking want, got that." I scoffed. I looked back to make sure Kirishima was fine and still hidden, when he decided to wake up.
"Bakugo?" He asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"Oh my god!" Ashido squealed. I shoved her out my room and slammed the door behind me. "Why was he in your bed, oh my god!" She giggled.
"Don't get the wrong idea, he just needed help sleeping." I crossed my arms, trying to tell the truth yet cover up as much as possible.
"That is so fluffy and wholesome." She blushed. Her cheeks where red and her eyes sparkly, she looked like the 'best friend' in anime cliches. Or just a genuine anime girl.

"Oh my god bakubro this is adorable!" Kirishima swung the door open, holding onto a red bear is a shark costume. I felt my cheeks flush red from embarrassment, and the fact he thought me having a plushy I bought to represent him was cute.
"No it's not." I muttered, putting my hand partially over my mouth.
"Oh my god, is that meant to be Ki-" I shoved my hand over her mouth, cutting her off.
"Shut up pinkie!" Her muffled laugh lead on to Kiri, causing him to giggle and stumble into my room, shutting the door behind himself.

"I need more explanation." She teased, punching my arm gently.
"Theres nothing more to explain. He needed help sleeping and I helped him."
"Not like that, Bakugo, I mean what happened. Why was he in s giant hoodie representing your hero costume. Why was he in your bed?" She sniggered.
"I swear to hell you damn racoon!" O shook her.
"Tell me everything, Bakubae!" She giggled.
"Fine." I gulped.

"Theres not really that much else to say." I looked away. I had briefly told her everything, except about the kiss. About all of them. That was my secret, he doesn't even know it was real, so neither can she. "C'mon, that can't be it." She groaned. "There has to be more."
"That's it." I stood back up.
"All that happened was you got in, gave him your hoodie to change into then slept on your bed."
"Yes." She let out a groan and got up aswell.
"I don't believe you, and I will figure out what that is." She threatened. I gulped.

"Good for you." And with that I walked back into my dorm mood, the door clicking shut behind me.

"Hi Bakugo!" I saw him slam down my notebook, the one from last night, his face as red as his hair and an awkward expression making a shiver swim down my spine.
"I said don't look at that!" I grabbed the notebook and held it close to my chest. I felt my heart pounded, my breathing sorta heavy. "I think it's cute that you like to draw me!" He was clearly flustered because he hadn't moved anything but his lips and he was sweating nervously.
"I'm your best friends Haha!" He laughed. A grinned and put the notebook down, feeling a flirty side of me I didn't know I had take over. "Are you sure that's the reason?" I pressed my band up against his beating hard and pushed him onto the wall, causing only a small gap between the two of us.
"Bakugo st-stop." He turned his head away from my face, trying to not let me see how pink he was. "Wa-wait... wha!" His heart sped up, my hand still pressed up against his chest.
"I'm kidding." I laughed, pulling away. He took on a deep breath and laughed along.

I don't really know what to say about this, except; Mina Ashido, the ultimate high school level Bakushima shipper.

Words: 1044

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