• Chapter 13 • Distracting

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Bakugo's perspective

I tried to stop my breath from shaking as I stared Todoroki dead in the eyes. What. The. Hell. I thought to myself as my grip on my trousers tightened. I looked over to Kirishima, who was staring, confused, at Todoroki. My chest tightened as the red head looked over to meet my gaze, a feeling growing in my body that was mixed with attraction and panic. Kirishima looked so cute with his mouth slightly open, his eyes wide. I gulped back my emotions and scoffed, turning back to Todoroki. "What are you going on about, Icy-hot?" I asked in annoyment.
"You know." He crossed his arms over his body and gave me a death-stare. I once again gulped, trying not to look fully at him, not directly in the eyes.
"fine, I damn know what you're talking about, but if you tell him I'll tell everyone your little secret." I threatened, slamming my hands on the table and standing up. He nodded in agreement.
"If you don't tell him at some point, I will, though." he followed up. I nodded and sat back down.
"Tell who what!?" Kirishima questioned. I tsked at him and pulled my head away from his direction.
"It doesn't matter, Kirishima." Todoroki replied, turning to his food. We sat in silence for ages, the lunch hour slowing down by the second.
"I'm leaving." I said, just before the bell rang for the end of lunch, I had left.

"What happened after you sat with Kirishima?" Deku asked as I leant back in my chair.
"Icy-hot knows and he was about to blurt it out to Ei." I sighed. The nerd put his hands on my desk and leant over it to look at me closely.
"Would it be so bad if he did, at least that way he'd know." His voice was stern, yet empathetic. I ran my fingers through the front of my hair and talked in a soft tone, "I'm not ready for that yet..." Deku looked back at me with sympathy. I guess he understands what I mean. He nodded and stood back up straight, walking to his chair. I sat in my chair, arms crossed over my body, heart and brain racing. The lesson went on slowly, yet smoothly. No-one talked to me at all, nothing distracted me from my thoughts, except Kirishima. He's so distracting, it hurts.

I sat and thought about what Icy-hot said, my head feeling mushed up and broken. Everything he said was rushing thought my thoughts, but when I looked over to Kirishima, all that disappeared. I smiled slightly as he laid his head on his desk and closed his eyes. I hoped no-one saw as I covered my mouth slightly with my mouth and looked away, unable to stop my grin growing and my cheeks lighting up red. I stared out the window for a few seconds before I got distracted by Kirishima once again.

Damn it! I thought to myself as I bury my head in my arms, trying not to think about kirishima. I grab my notebook with my left hand and a pencil in my write, flinging open the notebook to a blank page ans beginning to sketch Kirishima. I feel like Deku, except my notebook is filled with my obsession of Kiri and not an obsession of peoples quirks. maybe Deku is the less weird one in that sentence. I admire every feature of Kirishimas that I can, drawing every aspect of his face I can remember. He had a bright smile on his face in my drawing, the smile I say is annoying but I secretly love. He was showing off all of his teeth, each and every perfect one. I have a feeling he's insecure about them, and I don't want him to be. His hair was down. I love it when he has his hair down, he just looks so much more calm and free. My vision darted back to Kiri, once my sketch was done. I put my hand on my chest and tried to calm my emotions. "Bakugo, do you need to step outside?" Aizawa asked. I looked up in shock to notice I was very clearly having some sort of panic attack. Yet I wasn't. I was just in love with someone I shouldn't be and trying to repress it. "Why the hell would I need to freaking step outside!" I replied, leaning back in my chair. "You step outside." Gid, my insults where so fast thought, so bad. Aizawa shrugged off my words and conti teaching. I ushed from embarrassment, but luckily Kieishima was there to change the reason for my blushing.

"I'm in love with you, Bakugo!" Koroshima screamed from across the room.

My eyes shot open, I realised I was slipping of to sleep, because Kirishma himself was asleep on the other side of the classroom, everyone working in silence. Great, now I'm dreaming he confesses to me.

Can this hurt me anymore?


One word: ew.

I'm so sorry you had to read this TwT

Words: 839

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