Chapter 7 - Nose bleeds

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No-ones perspective


Shoto and Momo's lips connected, the pocky stick disappearing in their mouths. All soul and thoughts left his body as he began to run his hands up her back and to her neck, closing his eyes. Shoto couldn't stop to take a breath, his heart raced and his body shook. Momo was enjoying it aswell, her heart fluttering. She moved in more, pushing his back as he grasped more so on her back. Momo's hands wrapped around the back of Shoto's neck, his hands around her waist. "This is a pocky game, not a makeout session." Denki scoffed, just eating the chocolate straight from the box. Momo broke the kiss, the moment was ruined.

So we totally forgot Mineta was here but let's just ignore that.

Mineta rolled his eyes. "Ruining the moment, are you there, Kaminari."
"If you'd say that." He shrugged and laughed slightly, eating half the pocky sticks at once.
"Are we done yet!" Katsuki yelled, standing up. Mina nodded.
"I'm way bored!" She ate some pocky aswell.
"Then stop eating my chocolate!" Katsuki grabbed the box of pocky from Mina's hand and closed it, putting it back in it's place. "Let's play something else, like mario!" Mina continued, jumping up and grabbing the Wii controller. Katsuki pressed one hand on his forehead, facepalming. "Idiot, fine." Katsuki replied, grabbing another. "But only four can play?"
"I wanna play!" Denki yelled, grabbing a controller.
"Me too!" Mina yelled.
"It'd my Wii, I'm playing." Katsuki grabbed the third controller. The three looked at the other four in the room. "Which of you extras are gonna play?" Katsuki asked, rudely.
"I think I'll go home." Tsu said, standing up.
The group said bye to her as she left, Mineta following. "So?" Denki said, "who's playing?"

Eijiro's eyes slowly opened as the group talked amongst themselves. "When did they get here." He said, sitting up and looking at the rich kid duo. "About an hour ago." Mina grinned.
"When did you get here?" He asked, following on his first question.
"About an hour ago aswell."
"We're all playing Mario, wanna join?' Denki said.
"There's only four controllers." Eijiro replied.
"I'm not much of a game girl and Todoroki dosen't really want to play, you take the last controller, Kirishima." Momo said, smiling. He grinned and nodded, slipping to the floor and picking up the last controller.

"Stop jumping off the edge, damn it!" Katsuki yelled, right in Denki's face.
"I was just adding comedy." Denki replied.
"Damn it the stupid little brow mushroom made me short!" Eijiro yelled, trying to dodge a goomber (I think that's the name of it.)
"Here, like this." Katsuki said, calming down and grabbing Eijiro's hands from behind, guiding his fingers and showing him how to get away from the goomber. "Thanks bakubro." Eijiro grinned. The two sat on the position for a few seconds, Katsuki's hands around Eijiro's body, holding onto his hands. Katsuki pulled away, his heart racing. "That's funny, you two almost look like a cou-" Momo's words where cut off, her attempt to make a joke like the others failing. "Don't say it, don't think it and you don't die" Katsuki threatened. Momo nodded and smiled nervously looking at Shoto. "I'm scared." She said through a fake laugh.
"Me too, babe." Shoto replied, focusing on his phone.
"Babe!?" Mina yelled, flinging the controller and hitting Katsuki in the face.
"Agh!" Katsuki yelled as blood began spilling from his nose. "What the hell, Pinkie!" Katsuki sad as he put his hand other his nose.
"Oh my god, Bakugo!" She yelled as she went to help him. Eijiro pushed past Mina and grabbed onto Katsuki, pulling his hand away from his face. "Here, I'll hold my sleeve here until the bleeding stops." Eijiro pulled his sleeve over his hand and pressed it up against Katsuki's nose, staring his directly in the eye with a look of sympathy. "I'll go get a teacher!" Denki yelled, jumping to his feet and rushing out of the room. "God, what the hell Mina, he called her babe, it's just a nickname!" Katsuki yelled again, blood still spilling from his nose.
"I'm so sorry, Bakugo!" Mina squealed, pulling many tissues from a little box in his room.

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