• Chapter 19 • Sleep, idiot

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"Bro, it's gonna be the party in like an hour, dude, just take a god damn shower." Kaminari pleaded. Bakugo, holding his muffin in his hands, scoffed and turned away.
"C'mon bro." Kirishima added. The blond spun around to look at his red head, and scoffed.
"Freaking fine." He threw the muffin at Uraraka and spun around to go to his room, retrieving a towel and soap, and some clean clothes.

"Bakubae." The blond spun as he walked to his room to see Ashido, running to to him. She slowed down as she reached him and grabbed his shoulder. "Bakugo, what are you doing?" Unlike usual, she wasn't smiling. She had a scared and serious face on, and was looking with hope in her eyes, yet fear.
"What?" Bakugo asked with anger.
"Kirishima... you're making it so obvious, but what if he doesnt like you. Wouldn't you rather be rejected after a proper confession? It'd hurt less." She advised. The blond turned his head and scoffed, pulling away from her.
"Who cares." Ashido looked in shock, unable to run after him for a few seconds.
"Bakugo, you realise you'll only get hurt worse if he finds out on his own and he is straight." She says. Bakugo replies with a shrug, then picked up his speed. Ashido stopped and sighed.
"If that's what you want."

He clicked his door shut behind him and turned his head. "Wait." He gulped back his words as his breathing heavied. "Oh god." He shoved his hand over his mouth and the other wrapped around his stomach. I am making it obvious. He fell to the floor, back against the door.

On the other side if the building Kirishima was holding onto Kaminari by the waist, tugging him and trying to get him away from the cupcakes. "Bad Denki!" Someone yelled.
"Come on, Kamibro, just-- stop." Kirishima said, an annoyed tone as his arms began to grow weak. Kaminari groaned in response, pulling harder, trying to get away from Kirishimas grasp. "Ka-mi-na-ri." Kirishima lost all control of his body and ability to stand, and hit the floor with a thud.
"Kirishima?" Kaminari stood up straight to look at the red head, laid unconscious on the floor. Bakugo walked in the room with his towel, soap an clothes in his arms, and they all hit the floor as he saw his crush on the floor.
"Kirishima!" He ran up to the group and pulled the sleeping boy onto his lap. He watched as he breathed in, and out, in, and out. "He's okay, he's just asleep." Bakugo sighed, picking up the red head bridal style and carrying him. He pulled Kirishimas head into his chest and one arm over his body, bunching his legs up closer to his chest. He's easier to carry like this, plus it looks more comfortable.
"I'll take him to my room." Bakugo said, before carrying Kirishima to the dark room Bakugo had just left. "Sleep better, idiot." He moved Kirishimas hair away from his fore-head and kissed it. "I wouldn't survive if you didn't."

Bakugo traveled back downstairs and into the group bathroom, after picking up his stuff hed dropped on the floor. The showers water hit the marble floor as the steam filled up its glass cage. The blond removed his shirt and jeans, staring st himself in the mirror. His figure and clear, soft skin. "I can see why he wouldn't love me." Bakugo muttered, covering his body with his arms. "I'm just not good enough, I'm just not... not a girl."

The blond brushed of his thoughts and stepped in the showers, after removing his underwear, closing the glass door as the shower walls steamed up. The hot water danced off Bakugos skin as he breathed heavily in the heat. His hair dripped water over his face as it caled with every drop of water, drenching it into a flatter, neater hairstyle. The blond let the water drip over his skin, hair and toned abs for a few minutes before grabbing his soap bottle and filling his hands with the pink soap. He rubbed it all over his face, and then he washed his hair.

The blond stepped out the shower and let the water drip off his body for a few seconds, before grabbing his towel and drying off his body. He let his hair drip wet as he put on his clean clothes, then styled his hair. "How can my hair fit into a bun." He laughed gently.
"Hurry up, Bakugo!" Kaminari banged on the door.
"Shut it, extra, I am!" He scoffed, looking back in the mirror. He shrugged and pulled his hair our the tiny, tight bun and fluffed it up.
"Damn it, I look like Deku but hotter and blond." He complained.

He opened the wooden brown door to see Kaminari and Ashido stood their, ready for the party. Ashido had a tight black dress covering her pink skin, a transparent jacket covering her arms. Kamiari was wearing a white crop-top over a black tight shirt, his crop top being the one to cover his arms, and only his upper-arms. He had some dark-grey tight-jeans on.
"Finally!" Ashido yelled! "Sero, he's ready, we can go!" Sero ran in, yellow t-shirt and grey jeans.
"Took ya' long enough, dude." The guy with tape-elbows ran to the three and grinned.
"Where's Jirou?" Bakugo asked, crossing his arms.
"She's coming." As Ashido responded, Jiro took her last step before she entered the room.

She stood in a hot pink dress down to her knees and a black jacket over it.
"I look like a soft cottage core girl." She complained. Bakugo smirked.
"You look like a brat."
"Bakugo!" Mina disciplined. Bakugo smirked more, and felt his breath stop as Kirishima walked down. He was, like Kaminari, in a crop top that was over a shirt. He had a tight white shirt on with a red, sleeveless croptop. He had tight ripped jeans over his legs and his hair was in a bun at the back of his head.
"Hey Bakubro!" He said. He rushed up to the group.
"Why do you look like that." Bakugo muttered, crossing his arms and turning his head away, yet focusing his eyes on the little black and orange heart on his left cheek, the other having a red and black heart.

"Why do you look like that?" Bakugo said, covering his face with one of his hands, to hide his teeth firmly biting his bottom lip, and the blush illuminating his face.
"Mina picked out our clothes." Kiroshima replied, an embarrassed expression covering his face.
"And they all look good, don't you think, simp." She smirked. Bakugo moved his hand away and glared angrily at her. "What did you just call me!" She laughed. Kirishima joined her, and smiled sweetly at the blond. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Alright, let's go!"

Words: 1163

This took so long to get out, I'm so sorry. I'm really proud of this chapter, and the next chapter is gonna be SO important. Sad to say this books almost finished. Or not, who knows, I could be lying. Have a good day.

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