• Chapter 18 • When?

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"Good morning, Kirishima and Bakugo." Yaomomo greeted.
"Hey!" Kirishima laughed, rushing over to them.
"Who gave you permission to say my name!" I yelled, getting defensive as the events of last night and this morning ran through my mind.
"Classic Kacchan!" Deku giggled, holding onto pink cheeks. They where sitting there, cuddling in their corny matching pajamas. I wish I could do that with Kirishima.

"Guess what, babes! Yaomomos throwing a party for the lot of us at her house!" Racoon eyes giggled.
"Yes, some of 1B will be there. I invite all of you to attend."
"Sounds great, theres no way I'd say no!" Kirishima accepted.
"If he's going I guess I'll go then." I muttered, pushing my hair behind my ear.
"Why is Kirishima is Bakugos hoodie?" Hagakura questioned.
"None of your damn business!" Me and Kirishima said in union, both going red.
"Geeze, who knew Kirishima could be so angry, ever." Jirou laughed gently.
"Sorry." He apologised.
"Don't apologise." I muttered, sitting down. He slumped down on the sofa next to me, pulling the hoodie over his knees as he pulled them to his chest.
"It's tonight." Yaomomo continued. I nod as I pull my phone from my pocket and open the camera, going to my camera roll. "Bakugo?" Kirishima nervously asks. I shove my phone in my chest. I opened it to a picture of Kirishima shirtless he'd posted and then deleted on his instagram. "What!?" I yelled nervously, unable to look him in the eye.
"Sh-show me your phone." I shook my head. He took in a deep breath and leant over, snatching my phone from my hand. I covered my face with my hands. "Oh, I thought I are me, it's just a rose." he giggled, handing my back my phone. I looked at the screen to noticed I'd accidentally swiped the screen, moving it to a picture of a rose Mina sent me. Thank god. I thought.
"Everyone will have transport tonight, i suggest you all go get showered up. It starts at six." Yaomomo continued, jumping to her feet and then walking off. A sigh escaped my lips and everyone walked away, everyone but Tsu.

"He saw the photo." She croaked. I felt my heart stop for a second, causing my to stop walking. I turned back to stare at Tsu, to see her slanted eyebrows, the expression on her face. "He swiped it off." I couldn't talk. I just gulped, and panicked. "I don't know what he thought, but be prepared for absolutely anything, ribbit." She walked past me, me still frozen in fear.

I gulped back my emotions and rushed to my dorm room, slamming the door shut behind me and melting down th the floor, head in hands. "Dakn it I'm such an idiot." My fisr hit my wooden doors causing anyone walking past to stop in confusion. "Bakugo, you alright?" Said a muffled, female voice.
"Whatever, pink cheeks." I got up with a heave and rushed to my drawers. I pulled on a simple outfit for now and began to tidy my room.

I scooped up all my notebooks and dumped them in a drawer, sighing whilst I was at it. I kept a boring half empty one out for studies. The others had to be hid away, they where covered in doodles of Kirishima. "Am I a simp?" I mutter a question to myself, washing down my mirror. I shrug it off and begin to tidy my bed. I feel my body grow heavy as I go to tuck my sheets in the gaps of my mattress and the bed frame. I fall down to the soft white array of clouds and take in a deep breath. "It smells like Kirishima." I laugh. I feel my eyes grow tired, before I drift off.

"Bakugo!" I instantly wake up to a growing in volume pounding on my foor.
"What!?" I reply, anger in my tone.
"Come here." I scoff and jump up,  only to open the door to Kami and Kiri, both beaming at me.
"Whatever you want, no." I roll my eyes.
"C'mon Bakubro, you should know we'd only do kind stuff to you." Kirishima laughs. I sigh in annoyment, and as I'm about to shut my door, a strong determined hand and a foot dressed in red frocks stops it.
"Come on, Bakugo." Kirishima pleads. I sigh and give in, walking into my room, leaving my door open to signal they're allowed to enter. The two idiots walk in excitedly, Kirishima clearly getting very comftorble with me as he flung himself on the bed and cuddled into my pillow. "So, bro-"
"Kirishima talks, not you." I spin around and sit next to Kirishima, fighting the urge to grip his hand.

"Alright, we had the idea to go on matching clothes!" Kirishima suggested. My eyes widened as I glared at the goddamn phone charger angrily. I wasn't gonna get mad at Kiri, I want him to love me, not hate me. "Calm down Bakubro, just thought it'd be fun!" Kirishima continued. I could see Pikachu cowering in fear, shaking.
"Fine." I mutter, standing up and walking ti my wardrobe. "But I have final decision." The two agreed to my compromise, and I kicked them out.

"Damn it !" I yelled, forcing back the smile spreading across my face and blinking back tears. I didn't... I don't know what to feel. "Damn it." My voice quitened down, and a couldn't drop anything anymore. I laughed gently, a soft smile on my lips and tears streaming down my cheeks. "Idiot." I say, yet I smile. Yet I'm smiling and laughing and grinning. I'm trying to be mad, but I'm not. I can't be.

》¤《 Words; 954》¤《
《I'm really sorry this took so long to come out, I've been working on videos for my YouTube channel and o got to see my cousin, who lives on the tower side of the country, for a few days so I was taking a break. Thank you so much for 1.21k reads, that makes me so happy. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Have a nice night/day ♡》

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