• Chapter 11 • How to change the subject •

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(A/n) T.w: there's some panic attacks in the middle of the chapter, but then it stops.

Bakugo's perspective


"Get off him, you're gonna kill each other!" Don't know who yelled at me, don't care, I'm just gonna make sure Deku's damn face is so bruised that Pink cheeks will ever love him again.
"Deku!" Round face yelled, attempting to pull her idiotic boyfriend from my arms.
I guess you'l need more context. Idiot.


No-one's perspective


Bakugo snored gently, his leg hung over the side of the couch and his arm over his face.
"Bakugo, wake up." Kaminari said, shaking Bakugo in his sleep.
"Shad'up!" Bakugo said, shoving away Kaminari and turning over.
"Kirishimas shirtless." Kaminari lied. Bakugo jumped up as fast as he could his eyes wide open.
"I see no shirtless Ei." Bakugo hissed. Kaminari let out a wheeze as Bakugo crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
"I can't wait until you two happen." Uraraka said, eating an ice-pop.
"Speaking of 'happen', what's going on with you and the nerd, huh, pink cheeks?" Bakugo said, changing the subject to embarrass Midoriya and Uraraka. The focus had quickly changed from Bakugo too the two, 'friends.'
"What you' goin' on about girl." Uraraka laughed nervously, walking back towards Midoriya.
"Aha, you're lying. You ALWAYS talk like some chav American wannabe girl when you lie." Bakugo yelled, pointing at Uraraka and laughing.
"Hey! How come you know about that, she only told me about her lying habits." Midoriya yelled, getting jealous and defensive.
"I picked up on it, dumbass!" Bakugo screamed. That's when it started.


"Get off him!" Uraraka screamed as Bakugo flung himself onto Midoriya, tugging his green hair.
Midoriya was ready to fight back. He shoved his hand at the blonds face and pushed him over, jumping up to his feet and preparing a fighting stance.
"Midoriya, Bakugo!" Kaminari yelled, trying to stop them.
Mina had to grab Kaminari by his arms to stop him breaking up the fight, she knew he'd only make it worse.
"What the hell happened!?" Jiro yelled, running in with two cups of ice-coffee.
Bakugo shoved Midoriya down onto the floor, tugging on his arms. He shoved his fist in his face and Midoriya tugged on Bakuo's nose.

"Get off him, you're gonna kill each other!" Mina screamed, seeing this was getting serious as Midoriya's nose was bleeding and Bakugo had a large bruise over his eye.
' ' Deku! ' ' Uraraka yelled, attempting to pull her boyfriend from Bakugo's arms.
' ' Midoriya, you're not an angry little brat, pull yourself away! ' ' Jiro jumped at them, trying to pull Bakugo off Midoriya.
She noticed that Midoriya wasn't fighting anymore, he was shaking and almost crying.
' ' Let me go! ' ' Midoriya shivered, he was shaking, madly shaking.
' ' Izuku! ' ' Uraraka screamed, shoving Bakugo off Midoriya and looking at his bruised face.
' ' Uraraka i-I'm scared. ' ' He reached out to grab Uraraka, his lips quivering and tears spilling from his eyes.
His breathing was shaky.
' ' He's having a panic attack, go get Mr Aizawa! ' ' Uraraka yelled in reply. Bakugo slapped his hands over his mouth and fell back.
' ' I-i c-a- ca- ca- can't b- bre- breath. ' ' Bakugo stuttered.
' ' Great! Now Bakugo's having a panic attack! ' ' Mina complained in reply.
Kaminari ran off to retrieve Aizawa, not knowing what the hell to do.

' ' Kirishima! ' ' Kaminari yelled, passing Kirishima as he rushed to get their teacher.
' ' Hey bro, what's wrong? ' ' Kirishima replied, earring a very chocolate filled Crepe.
' ' Bakugo needs you, now! ' ' Kaminari yelled, rushing back off to get Aizawa.

Kirishima burst into the room and sat Bakugo rocking on the floor.
' ' I wan't Kirishima... ' ' He repeated, over and over again.
' ' I'm here! ' ' Kirishima yelled, putting his hand on Bakugo's back. He began to run his Ingres through the blonds hair, remembering how that had helped him sleep when Bakugo ran his fingers through his own hair. Bakugo moved his arm around Kirishima's waist and pulled his head to his chest.
' ' Ba-bakugo, what are you doing? ' ' Kirishima said, just allowing Bakugo to cuddle him for... various reasons.
' ' Sh-shut up... ' ' Bakugo complained, moving Kirishimas face closer to his.
Kirishima felt his sheets glowing red, his breathing heavied slightly.
' ' Baaa-k-ku-go you-you're really close. ' ' Kirishima said, trying not to look at at Bakugo, his eyes straining to look away.
Bakugo fixed his breathing and sighed.
' ' I'm fine. ' ' Bakugo shrugged, letting go of Kirishima and letting his legs fall down.
Kirishima nodded and got up, walking away whilst scratching the back of his neck.

' ' I'm sorry I teased your girlfriend. ' ' Bakugo said, really loud, in front of the whole class.
' ' Kacchan! ' ' Midoriya complained.
The whole class glared over at Bakugo and Midoriya, their eyes wide and they were completely shook.
' ' Girlfriend!! ' ' Basically the whole class yelled, some slamming down their hands, some standing up.
' ' Oh yeah, thats me. ' ' Uraraka said, walking up too the front and hugging onto Midoriya's arm.
' ' Aha, i knew it. I knew you two were a thing. I'm better than all you extras who didn't know. ' ' Then Bakugo went on boasting about how he knew and they didn't.
' ' What about you and Tsu, eh, eh? ' ' Mineta teased, changing the subject.
' ' Ew. ' ' Tsu and Bakugo said in union.
' ' But you told me and Kaminari you liked her. ' ' Mineta said, confused as hell.
' ' I lied, idiot. ' ' Bakugo rolled his eyes, heading to his seat.

' ' Bakubro! ' ' Kirishima yelled, running into the room. Bakugo looked up to see Kirishima, running at him.
' ' What do you want, messy hair? ' ' Bakugo hissed, slamming his notebook closed, hiding all the doodles of Kirishima.
' ' Can I sleep in your room again tonight, I'm repainting mine and I hate the smell of paint when it lingers around. ' ' Kirishima whispered, slamming his hands down on the blonds desk.
' ' Sure, if you need sleep you need sleep. ' ' Bakugo scoffed, leaning back in his chair. Kirishima smiled, showing his shark teeth. Bakugo felt his cheeks flush and had to look away.

' ' Whatever, it's not like this means anything... ' '


This is SUCH a boring chapter, but I don't wanna give up on this fanfic so i just put this in here. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed!
Words: 996

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