• Chapter 20 • Hit me

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No-ones perspective


The car sped across the dry road, the stars gently becoming visable in the night sky.

"I can't believe we almost forgot Sero." Mina laughed, her pink hands trailing through her even pinker hair. She turned  in her seat, attempting to face the trio in the back. Kirishima, the free strands of his dark red hair falling over his face, cupping it perfectly. He was squished up in the middle of Bakugo and Kaminari.

"Kirishima, move over there." Bakugo grunted, shoving the red head over with his shoulder, the other making a few sounds off annoyance or slight pain every few seconds. The blond was trying to get Kirishima away from him, trying not to get flustered at the smaller. Kirishima didn't realise it, he couldn't have, but he was pressed up to Bakugo, his arm on his arm, his leg almost lapping over the blonds. He might aswell have been sat on him.

"I can't Bakubro, I'd be on top of Denki." He laughed in reply. Bakugo felt his cheeks heating up slowly, losing the ability to fight of his emotions.

"Why couldn't Pikachu sit in the middle, hes smaller than you." The blond complained, pushing his face away from the looks of the others, gripping his bottoms.
"I get car sick in the middle, Bakubro." Kaminari replied, gently resting his head on Kirishimas shoulder yet still looking up at the blond. Kirishima looked down at Kaminari and laughed. Bakugo felt his body heat rise as he saw the smile on his wanteds face whilst he looked at other boys.

"I feel bad, Jirou and Sero have to stay in another cab." Mina sighed, looking back to the trio again as she attempted to change the subject.
"Ah shush." Bakugo responded with a lock of eye contact, knowing what Mina was doing but being to stubborn to accept you was doing the right thing.

"I'm sure they're much happier in there then in here with these love birds." The more-so-yellow-than-blond teased. The two, so to say, 'love birds' in question, Bakugo and Kirishima, replied to the others comment with just a shocked, and annoyed, yell of the word, "What!?"

"I'm kidding." He smirked, pulling his head away from the other and leaning on the window, feeling the movement of the car jerk his head forward and back slightly.


"Hey, Jirou." Sero said, nervously looking at the female.

"Yeah?" She looked up from her bright phone screen to meet eyes with the other, a dead expression of not caring enough on her face.

"Do you know what was up with Bakugo? He was really red and trying so hard not to look at anyone. Is he sick?"

A smirk spread across the others face. "I know whats up, and it's not that."

"What then?" Sero tilted his head slightly, confused but interested.

"He likes someone."

"What! Bakugo, our Bakugo?"


"No way, who?" Sero got progressively closer to Jirou, excited to know who the lucky 'extra' was good enough. There faces might havewell been touching, from any other two people they'd pull away, but for close friends this eww normal.
"He ha-" before she could finish, the male cut her off.

"He?" He replied in shock, Jirou finally getting annoyed and pushing him back.

"Yes, he. He has red hair." She turned her head away to lean on the door, looking like she was looking our the windows bur her eyes there still in the male.

"Oh my god, Bakugo likes Kirishima?" He laughed under his breath, feeling in total shock.
"Basically everyone but Kirishima himself knows about Bakugos crush." She pushed off the door again, slipping her phone in her bag.

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