Chapter 4 - Darling

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Third person perspective


Ochaco and Izuku walked down the hall, side by side, hand in hand. Their eyes where locked together. "Dek-u" Ochaco stuttered. He gripped her hand more and pulled her closer. "You'll be okay, princess." Izuku stared into her eyes, holding her close. "I'll make sure of it." He grinned, his flirtatious look leaving his face. Ochaco leaned against Izuku and closed her eyes, their hands still locked together. "I love you." He muttered to himself, his heart racing.
"What." She replied, opening her eyes. Izuku shrugged and laughed gently, smile on his face. He shook his head calmly, his curly hair hitting him slightly in the face. "Nothing." He looked back up in front of him, Ochaco clinged onto his arm, their fingers locked together.

"She seems to have a pretty bad cold, maybe even mild flu." Recovery girl said, handing Ochaco a glass of cool water.
"Sick! She's sick! The flu!" Izuku freaked out, rushing to hold Ochaco.
"It might be best to take her home and care for her, I'll tell the teachers you're both going back to the dorms for the rest of the day." Recovery girl smiled, grabbing some paper and a blue-ink pen. She began to scribble down a note, a smirk on her face. This will give the lovebirds some time to fall in love. She thought to herself, still scribbling down the note. She handed the note to Izuku. "Give that to Mr. Aizawa." She said, "Then head off to the dorms." Izuku nodded and helped the weak Ochaco to her feet. The two walked from the nurse office to the classroom of 1A, where Shota was stood at the front eating an ice-pop and listening to Hizashi (present mike) go on and on. "Mr. Aizawa, we have a note for you." Izuku handed the note to Shota. He nodded as he read the note, not talking the ice-pop from his mouth. "Okay" He finally said, "you kids go on now." Izuku grinned slightly and nodded, holding Ochaco's hand him hi own once again and leading her from the classroom.

The two walked in the heat, the suns rays hitting against their skin. "You sure you're feeling okay?" Izuku asked, looking at Ochaco with a look full of sympathy. She nodded weakly and smiled. "I'm fine, Deku."

The two arrived at the dorms and took a seat on the sofa. "Are you cold?" Izuku asked, handing Ochaco a cake-pop. The brunette nodded as she placed the round chocolate-cake ball in her mouth. "I'll get you a blanket and some hot chocolate." He grinned, letting off a small but sweet giggle. Izuku rushed off to his room to retrieve a blanket for the ill brunette sat on the sofa, cake pop in her mouth. "I'm kinda tired." Ochaco muttered muffled by the chocolate in between her lips. Her eyes began to become hard to keep open as she laid down, head on the soft red cushion.The cake pop slipped from her open mouth as her consciousness slipped away and her eyes closed tight. "Hey, Deku." She muttered, eyes closed and cuddling into the other pillow on the couch. "Wanna be my bo-fr-en-d." And before she could move again, she was sound asleep and silent, resting peacefully upon the red sofa.

Izuku opened his dorm room door as quiet as possible before looking around. "Where's the light switch again?' He muttered, feeling along the wall. His hand hit something sticking out and he then clicked it, the light in the room flashing on. "Hah-" He smiled. "Now, where's that blanket?" He entered more into his room, searching through his draws for the specific blanket he wanted for the brunette laid on the sofa down stairs. Izuku's hand hit against an all-might action figure he had, it tumbled to the ground and the head snapped off the body. "Damn it!" He yelled, kneeling down to pick up the broken figure. A sigh escaped from his lips as he stood back up, the hero's figure in his hands, head in the left and body in the right. "I'm such a child." He muttered, his hands slowly lowering, "Maybe it's better if i stop fanboying over all-might so much." he went silent as the head of the action figure hit the ground with a thud, bouncing up and landing again, rolling across the floor and rolling under Izuku's bed. He grasped tight on the body. "He- he-" Anger boiled up in Izuku, his heart pounding, "He's just a man!" As Izuku raised his hand and steadied a pose, one hand over behind him, his foot slightly put out the back, he made a quick motion, the figure's body flying from his hand and hitting the wall just before plummeting to the floor. Izuku gulped, sighed and then wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "He's just... a man."

Izuku had decided to change his clothes. He wore a plain white T-shirt with some simple black long shorts and a grey hoodie. His bare feet hit across his carpet as he walked to his closet, spinning open the doors. "How'd I miss that." He mumbled, no emotion in his voice. He grabbed the soft, fluffy green blanket he loved so much and held it close to his chest. "I hope she wasn't waiting too long." Izuku gulped, emotion entering his voice again. He slammed the doors closed with his foot and rushed down stairs, leaving broken all might merch and some blood from when he it himself on one of the snapped dolls on accident, all over his bedroom floor. The light still shon down on the scene, the door wide open for anyone to enter, for anyone to see.

He walked down the hallway, blanket in his arms. "Uraraka!" He softly yelled as he ran into the room. The brunette laid on the sofa, sound asleep, eyes shut and holding onto a pillow. A small giggle escaped Izuku's lips as he covered the sick girl with the blanket. "I love you." He muttered, kissing her on the head and standing, walking from the room as the brunette laid on the sofa. Her eyes slowly opened as Izuku left the room. A gentle smile spread on her face,"Love you too..."


I'm sorry this isn't Kiribaku/bakushima/pop rocks, i wanted to add a whole chapter of just IzuOcha. By the way- All might is NOT a bad guy in here, Izuku is just mad at him.

Words: 1056

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