The Letter

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I sit in the splits playing on my iPhone then I hear my dad walk in from work.
" Hey Dad " I say as I jump up, rubbing knee thinking I got a rug burn, my clumsiness never seems to fail.
" Hey Princess " He says obviously not noticing, "You usually aren't this excited to see me, maybe it's because I have an envelope in my pocket".
" Maybe " I reply excitedly.
He then hands me a white envelope with the words " USA Exchange Program " written on it.
I squeal then open it quickly.
It reads:

Dear Mae Johnson,
You have been excepted into the USA Exchange Program! You will be traveling to Los Angeles, California and will be staying with the Neal family. In exchange your family will get Lily Neal. We try to make the exchange very easy on your family by giving them a child around the same age and same gender. We hope you enjoy your 11 months and your flight is on the 6th of July.

- Staff from USAEP

Also in the envelope is my plane ticket for my flight a 7 AM, they had to make it so early!

" Honey this will be a great experience for you " Mom says from behind me.
I turn around and laugh. Her hands are covered in green clay, she is always making something new for her display at our local museum.
" I'm gonna go wash my hands, Oh and by the way... Ashley will be over in about a half hour " Mom says.
" Oh ok " I reply. I totally forgot that she was coming over today. It'll will be our last time hanging out before I head to California, because she's going on vacation with her Dad and brother. It will be so hard not seeing my best friend for a year, but I could make great friends in LA! And on top of that I could have super cool "parents" and maybe even siblings for once.

I head to my room and watch Zoella on YouTube on my laptop, then Ashley comes into my room.
" Hey Ash " I say.
" Hey Mae Mae " She says back.
She plops on my bed and steals my laptop way from me, but I already know what she is doing.
" Have you watched GMM today? " She asks.
" I haven't watched since you made me last week " I say laughing.
" Well you have some catching up to do my friend " She says as her smile grows bigger.
" Your so obsessed with them " I say laughing.
" I am not " She replies.
" Oh yea, you're wearing their shirt " I say jokingly.
She looks down slowly and she giggles when she realizes she's wearing her T-shirt with their logo on it.
" Anyways, we're still watching GMM " She says.
We watch one called "Do You Have OCD?", then we watch a lot of their music videos including...
Can you Popsicle it?, Rub Some Bacon On It, and more. It's kind of funny, this GMM thing, I actually think it's a good show, but I don't watch it often because Ashley enjoys my reactions to watching each episode.
She leaves and I fall asleep thinking of LA and what's to come.
Hey Guys! Hope ur having a good day, and I hope you like my story!

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