Dinner at The McLaughlins

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We park on the side of the road and we all walk into a super neat and organized house. Lincoln runs to a boy that I thinks name is Lake or
something and a nice looking lady walk up to us.

" Hey guys " She says and she looks at all of us and she spots me and give me a big smile.
" Hi you must be Mae! " She says politely. " Nice to meet ya!"
" Nice to meet you too! " I reply.
" I'm Jessie and this is Rhett " she says gesturing to Rhett that just walk up behind her.
" Hey " He says smiley.
" Hey " I say to him, but I have to lean my head back a tiny bit, because he is really tall.
We walk in further and I go to Lincoln and...I don't know, the other guy.

" Hey " I say.
" Hey Mae, this is Locke " Lincoln says.
" Hey " I say to Locke.
" Hi " He says weirdly, his eyes grow wide and it's like I put him in a trance or something.
What did I do? ... Oh Great.
Lincoln looks at him with a weird look on his face, and he realizes, then he rolls his eyes.
Does he like me? Do I like him? I couldn't, Link and Rhett would hate me for that. Would they? I look into his huge eyes, kind of like Rhett's, and his perfectly messed up curled hair. Yep, he's adorable.
" Anyway, do you guys wanna play Minecraft? " Locke asks still eyeing me.
" Sure, I love Minecraft " I say excitedly.
" Really? Usually girls hate Minecraft? " Lincoln says.
" Usually. " I reply think of how I will whoop his butt.
We all laugh, then play for awhile.

Links POV: ( somethin new 😏 )

Mae catches up with Lincoln and Locke and they talk about Minecraft. I think Mae is sweet and polite, but she seemed a bit uncomfortable, but she's getting a bit more relaxed. She and Locke look at each other in a way I know they like each other. Mae is a beautiful little girl and Locke is pretty cute and a bit of a flirt so I bet they'll hit it off. But all I think of is my Lily, God I'll miss her! I don't know how I will make it 11 months! I bet she will have a great time with Mae's family in the snow, she's always wanted to see snow. I eatch her talk to Locke and all I think of is that Lily currently likes Locke, uggghhh it's so terrible, I don't want my baby to like anyone!

Rhett and I go into their kitchen and we talk about GMM, and I hear Locke yell, " Nooooo " from the other room and I hear Mae say, " Yeeeessss", she must have beaten him. She must be talented in the arts and video games.
" Link, Stevie just texted me, we're super close to 6 million " Rhett says with a smile on his face.
" Really! Let's go check " I say.
I can't believe we are so close to 6,000,000! That's six million people that thought we were okay! That's insane!

Mae's POV:

See Link and Rhett out of the corner of my checking YouTube and Links gasps.
" Yeeessss " Link says or more like yells.
" Whoooohoooo " Rhett says.
Lincoln pauses the game and we all put our focus on them.
" What happened? " I ask.
" We just reached six million subscribers! " Rhett says excitedly.
" Omg! Congrats! " I say.
" So, you know about Good Mythical Morning. " Rhett asks.
" Yea " I say.
Links eyes light up and he says. " Oh yea, Mae I'll show you those vids ".
" Okay " I say excited.
" Come here " He says.

I run over to the computer and he is pulling up a music video that is called, My OCD.
I watch the video, and I gotta admit it's catchy, and it'll be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
We watch a couple more like, Fastest way to fall asleep, and Will it Deep Fry?

" Dinner's ready " Jessie calls out, and we all go to the kitchen.
Everyone grabs a plate and gets in a line in front of there kitchen counter. I stand behind Shepherd ( Rhett's other son ), and I grab some spaghetti that's looks super good!

Link sits down at a big wooden table that has a place set for all of us. I sit diagonal from him, and I set my plate down and everyone starts to eat.
" Great! " Rhett says sarcastically.
" What? " Christy asks.
" Stevie and Alex, just told me that the brand of the products we were gonna review and been discontinued, and we don't have anything else planned for tomorrow! " Rhett says frustrated.
" Can't you just use what you would for the next day? " Jessie asks.
" No, because Thursday we are opening fan mail and we only do Mail on Thursdays " Rhett says.
" Well we gotta come up with something quick " Link says.
They sit there for a minute and Rhett looks around at everyone. His eyes widen at me and he says.
" I've got it! Link you can explain about Lilly and the exchange program and Mae can be on the show! ".
" That could work! " Link says happily.
" I'll call up Alex " Rhett says leaving his seat.
We continue eating and Rhett walks back in.
" It's set! " Rhett says, " Oh shoot Mae, do you even want to do it! I'm sorry I didn't ask you! " Rhett says.
" No it's okay! I would love to be on Good Mythical Morning " I say happily.
" Good " Rhett says with a nod.
I can't believe I get to be on GMM!
Link holds up the container of cheese and says to Rhett, " Would you like parmesan with that? ".
Everyone laughs super hard and I laugh too, even though I don't have the slightest idea of what they are talking about.
Yo Peps! How's it goin? Hope you r liking the book!

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