Flight back

249 7 5

I step off the plane and back into cold, sad, Michigan. Christy holds my hand as we make our way to the front of the airport.
I rub my tear stained eyes and I get prepared to see the people I love again.
The bad thoughts come back into my head. Where will I live? My parents are gone. I don't think I've come to reality yet that my parents are gone and I cry once again. I kneel on the ground even though I have a skirt on that's matching my black shirt and shoes for the funeral today. But the least thing I care about is the whole world seeing my underwear.
" Sweetie! We're gonna get through this! Mae, we love you! " Link says hugging me tight. I cry harder onto his shoulder for about 5 minutes.
" Im not ready for this " I sob onto Link.
" I'm not either " He says looking into my eyes.
I look back and I see the pain in his bloodshot eyes, he lost Lily too.
After a couple more minutes of crying we head to the front of the airport.
" MAE!!!!! " Ashley screams dropping her phone.
" ASHLEY!!! " I yell through my worn out voice.
We run toward each other and we collide into a hug that lasts for what feels like forever.
" Hi darling " Ashley's Mom says while pulling me into a hug so tight I can barely breathe.
" Hi Laurie " I say so quietly it sounds like a whisper. I try to clear my throat because it's sounded like I smoke for the last week, but it's no use.
The process of hugging and crying goes on for about 20 people and the day doesn't get much happier, but the support is amazing.

Me, Ashley, and six people that showed up from my school: Jess, Liv, Hayley, Tyler, Chandler, and Samantha, sit at a Jamba Juice table talking and obviously trying to cheer me up.

I sit at the corner of the booth with my head on Chandler's shoulder and he's rubbing my head. He's my oldest friend, We've known each other since we were 2.
The lady working at the Jamba Juice counter looks at us and says to the other lady working with her. " Awe, they are so cute! "
Chandler hears her and he replies loudly, "Honey, I'm into boys "
I laugh, " Chan! "
The night finishes off with going to the movies, dinner, and watching horror movies at Jess's mom's house.

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