The Beach

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I put on a white tank top with Aztec print on it, and jean shorts, over my pink bikini and flip flops, and I put my iPhone in my beach bag with sunscreen, Chapstick, my beach towel, and my cannon camera ( that I got for Christmas and I'll love taking photos of the Palm trees, beach, ect. ) All I think about when I get ready is Locke, he is so cute and I can't believe I like him!

When I walk in I see Christy in a striped sundress pouring Lando some Lucky Charms and Lincoln playing on his phone while eating some Lucky Charms. I sit next to him and Christy gives me some Mini Wheats, I thank her, and I lean over and what Lincoln is playing. And I see him playing a game that I hate, Clash of Clans.
I sigh, and pull out my phone and go on Instagram.
" Um, nice outfit Dad " Lincoln says laughing.
Link has on a bright blue shirt with flamingos on it, some swim trunks with sharks on it, and bright yellow sunglasses.
" What you don't like it " Link says pushing down his sunglasses a little below his eyes and raising his eyebrows.

We get in the car and drive for about 30 minutes until we are at the beach. We meet up with the McLaughlin's and Lincoln, Locke, and I decide to explore the shops around the beach.
" Locke, here take this for You, Lincoln, and Mae " Rhett says handing Locke a 50 dollar bill.
" Thanks " Locke says.
We walk around a gift shop, a t-shirt shop, and a candy shop. We then sit at a park bench and eat candy samples as we talk.
" So how old are you " Locke asks me.
" I'm 11 " I say.
" Me too! " Locke says and continues, "Are you in 6th or 7th grade? "
" 7th " I say.
" Me too! " Locke.
I see Lincoln sitting beside us looking super bored, so he suggests.
" Do you want to go see what our Dads are doing? "
" Sure " Locke says.
We walk around and try to find Rhett and Link and we find them struggling to ride a double bike, but they don't look like they are filming.
" Having fun there " Lincoln yells to them.
" Having a great time " Rhett says sarcastically while he looks down at his and Link's feet.
They finally manage to ride the bike smoothly and we sit and watch for a couple of hours.
" And that's a wrap for the day " Stevie says.
Link walks over to us and says, "Wanna go to the ocean and swim "
" Sure " Lincoln says.
" Where is Shepherd and Lando? " Link asks me.
" Uh, they went with Christy somewhere, I think " I say.
As soon as I say that Christy walks up behind me.
" Jessie took the boys to her place " Christy says.
" Okay, we were just about to go swim. Wanna join? " Link says.
" I'll go sit where you guys are, I'm not really into swimming " Christy says.
We go to the beach and swim for awhile, then we swim deeper to a sand bar, and body surf.
Hey guys! Sorry this might have been a boring chapter, but the next one is gonna be exciting ;)
I hope you guys are having a good day and stay swag 😗

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