Beach Day 2

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As Link is explaining to me how Him, Rhett, and other background people will be cosmetically turned into zombies, my mind wanders of to what I'll be doing meantime. Then it hits me. I'll be alone with Locke! Alone! Then stop myself, I can't like him, well why not! I'll probably like someone else next and year and I won't even live here. My parents won't care and it's fine. I then finger comb through my hair and smooth out my shirt. And I listen to Link.

We pull up to the beach and hop out and find Rhett and Locke.
" Okay, you two good with hanging out today " Rhett asks.
We both nod our heads and I see Rhett raise his eyebrows at Locke, and Locke instantly gives Rhett a " Stop! " look.
" And can you two grab lunch, try to be healthy " Rhett says.
" We will! " Locke says with a nod.
" Okay well we gotta get filming " Link says.
" Bye " I say.

Locke and I stand there awkward and he says, " What do you want to do? "
" I don't care " I say shyly.
" Um, do you want to walk around and see what we find " He says while adjusting his backwards baseball cap.
" Sure " I say.
We walk on the sidewalk next to the beach and we see a volleyball net.
" Wanna? " He asks.
" Sure! But I warn ya I was on a volleyball team for 3 weeks " I say laughing.
" 3 weeks? You must be amazing! " Locke says sarcastically.
We go to the net, and play a game. We get really into it, and very competitive.
He sets one, and I do a full dive for the ball. I miss the ball, and my face lands in the sand.
I hear Locke start to laugh really hard, and I do too.
I stand up and brush myself off, and I go and fetch the ball.
As I'm walking back toward the net Locke says to me, " You got a little something. "
I touch my face and I can't find what he's talking about, so I open my phone camera and I see my lips are covered in sand, apparently sand sticks to lipgloss.
I laugh and say, " Hold on my best friend will think this is hilarious. "
I quickly go on to snapchat and go to the camera.
" Hold on " Locke says. He licks his lips and take a fist full of sand and smear it on his lips.
I laugh and I take the picture. I look at it and Locke's eyes are so blue and his sandy blonde hair curled under his hat.
I send it to AshleyV.xoxo under the name Bestie and she opens it in seconds, she then start typing. I shut off my phone and put it back in my bag quickly. I'd usually wait and read her text, but I'm not chancing Locke seeing Ashley freak out over me hanging out with Locke.

We play for a bit longer then we get bored, and we walk around a little more and we see a bike rental place. We decide to rent two for two hours and bike around the town. Locke starts to pull out money and I stop him.
" I got it "
" No my dad gave me money, it's fine " Locke says.
" Ok " I say.
He gets a red bike, and I get a silver and mint green one. We peddle around the city and the outskirts, it's honestly one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. We decide to go on a trail that's around the beach and it's super pretty. I see a spot where the sun catches the water beautifully and I ask if we can stop and take and I can take a picture.
" Sure! " Locke says.
We roll our bikes against a tree, and go to the spot.
I get on my knees and take the picture at the waters level so it can reflect the sun. I snap a couple and I get off and brush off my knees. I see that Locke is sitting on a giant rock and he asks.
" Can I see them? "
" Sure! " I say.

As I turn my camera back on I mentally cross my fingers that the pictures turned out good.
I click on the first one and it's blurry, so I click to the next one and it's beautiful. I sigh out of relief, it's great!

" Wow Mae! " Locke says, " You're gifted! "
" Awe, thanks " I say.
" Do you want to be a photographer when you're older? " Locke asks.
" Well, I want to be a dancer, but that's my backup plan " I say.
Locke nods his head and stares out onto the water. He keeps turning his head a bit, like he is gonna say something but he doesn't. We stare out on to the water, the awkwardness is killing me.
" Mae? " He says with a quiet voice.
" Yea " I say.
" I know I've only known you for a couple days, but " Locke says and he stops.
I turn my head and look at him, he looks down nervously and turns to me and asks.
" Would you be my girlfriend? ", he gives me a look like I'll reject him and it melts my heart.
" Sure " I say and I give him a smirk. Yeeeeeessssssss!
He breaths out in relief and smiles.
We look out into the water and I pray that things don't get awkward between us, because things were going so well.
" Ready to keep going? " He asks.
" Yea " I say.

We ride for a bit longer and our 2 hours are up. I look at the time and it's 12:26.
" Wanna get lunch? " I ask.
" Yea I was just about to ask that. We're do you want to go " Locke asks.
" I don't care " I say.
" Well my dad said to be healthy so, Subway? " He suggests.
" Yea I love subway! " I say.
We walk into the place and I get sub with turkey, bacon, lettuce, and cheese. I grab some chips and we sit at a table by the window. Locke's phone goes off and he grabs it and scrolls for awhile.
" Oh the class schedules are out for school, did you get one? " He asks.
" No, but I'll ask when I get back " I say. I wonder if we have any classes together.
As I open my chips bag, I see a zombie face press up against the glass and I scream. That scared the crap out of me! I turn and it looks and doesn't look like Link at the same time. He walks in and sits in the empty seat.
" I'm on our lunch break, sorry I didn't mean to scare you Mae, wait yea I did " Link says laughing.
" It's okay " I say laughing. Then Rhett walks in and looks like a zombie.
" Hey guys " He says.
Then I see that Locke and Rhett are having a conversation with there facial expressions. Rhett gives him a questioning look and Locke nods. Locke must have told him. Rhett then looks at me and I awkwardly look down. Please don't hate me! He gives a little smile, and then all I look at is Link's face. He obviously doesn't know.
" Okay well we're gonna go grab some lunch, and we'll be done in like 2 hours so meet us at the pier " Rhett says.
" Okay " I reply.
Hey guys! Oohhhh romance :) hope your day is going good!

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