My Last Night Home

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I pack my last things in my hot pink suitcases. I jump on top of my last suitcase on top of my bed and try to zip it, after failing about three times I finally zip it.
After that I pack my Mac Book, pink headphones, wallet ( with nothing in it except my debit card and 50 dollars for the airport ), my chargers, my lip balm, hair brush, and my iPhone 6 in my carry on.

I then run to my basement and grab my dance shoes. My parents signed me up for two dance classes a week at a super good studio that I had to audition to get into, and it's only about 5 minutes from my new "family's" house.

" Hun, dinner is ready " Mom says.
" Ok be right up " I reply.
I run up to my bedroom, sigh realizing that I have to put my shoes in the suitcase I could barely close before, and I squeeze my shoes in and close in eventually.

I run down to our dining room and I plop down across from Mom and Dad
" Yum! Thanks Mom " I says smiling down at my favorite dinner, steak.
" Your welcome Hun, I had to make something special your last night here for awhile " Mom says sad.
I look at Dad, and his eyes are red like they are going to cry. I quickly try to think of something to make him feel better.
" Dad, don't be sad. I'll only be gone for a little while " I say with a slight smile.
" Yea I know, I know, like I said this will be a great experience for you! I wanted you you to do this cause it will help with your independence and we haven't traveled that much, only to Alabama every year " Dad says trying to make me think he's fine, but I don't think he really is.
I nod and I eat my delicious dinner, and we eventually finish.
" You better get to bed, you have to be up early tomorrow " Dad says to me.
I sigh about having to get up at 5, " Yea your right " I say as I make my way to my bedroom.

I set my alarm for 5:15, and I walk to my bathroom and I hop in the shower.
I get out and I blow dry my hair while I watch an episode of Once Upon A Time.
After I'm done I put on my pajamas and I sit in my bed trying to fall asleep, but I feel bad thoughts come into my brain.
" What if they hate me? "
" I should go, my parents will miss me to much "

Hey Guys :)
Sorry it was super short!
Hope you are all doing good, and enjoyed the second chappy!
I had to write this quick after my doctors appointment, and I hope it wasn't too rushed!
And sorry if it's a bit boring right now, I promise it gets better

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