The Next Morning

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" I think it was my favorite episode ever! " Ashley says for about the fifth time about my GMM episode, my episode!
We talk for about 15 more minutes and I tell her I have to go.
I slept for about 2 hours last night, and I was up at 6 and I called my mom on her way to work, after that I called Dad, and Ashley, because I didn't call them the night before.

I change out of my sweatshirt and sweatpants and into a cobalt blue silky tank top, white jean shorts, gold sandals, over my cobalt blue bikini, and I do my hair. I look out my bedroom window on to the mini backyard and over the fence. I see people walking a crossed the street looking calm, frazzled, and drinking coffee. I grab the beach bag I had yesterday and I make sure I have my camera, because I want to take the pictures that I meant to take yesterday. Then I leave my room and go to the kitchen. It smells of bacon and eggs, it reminds me of home. I gulp, today for some reason I have been feeling homesick.

" Morning Mae! How's the foot feeling?" Link asks while we gets bacon out of a frying pan.
" Oh it's feeling good, It barely hurts now " I say looking at the mini scab just above my knee.
" That's good to hear! " Christy says looking up from reading a medicine bottle.
" Link do you think this is enough? " Christy asks while examining a half cup full of a purple liquid.
" Yea, that's fine " Link says while looking at the medicine box.
I sit down at the kitchen table and I go on Instagram, and I post the sunset photo, captioning it: 🌅
I sigh realizing that I use emojis for everything!

" I feel so bad for Lan and Shep, they were really looking forward to going to the beach! " Christy says
" Oh, what happened? " I ask.
" They both got some sort of stomach bug yesterday and can't go " Christy says and continues, " So Jessie and I can't go either. "
" Sorry! " I say.
" It's okay " Christy says.
Christy leaves and Lincoln comes in.
" Yesssss! Bacooonnnn! " He yells.
" Yep and it's done now so you two, grab some plates! And get ready! " Link says.
Lincoln runs to the cupboard and grabs two plates. We tosses one to me and I barely catch it.
" What's going on? " I ask Lincoln.
" Every time my Dad makes bacon, he always tosses it behind his back and the person that catches it gets served first " Lincoln says quickly.
Link turns around and throws the bacon it lands on Lincoln's plate, and he goes first. When I have my bacon and scrambled eggs we eat. It's so good! Almost as good as my mom's!
" You guys finish up and I'll go change " He says.
He nods, because we both have food in our mouths. As soon as Link leaves Lincoln pulls out his iPad and starts up Clash of Clans.
" How can you like that game? " I ask.
" How can't you! " He says.
I think of about 15 reasons, then Lincoln says frustrated.
" My clan has been attacked and all my gold and oil is gone! How am I gonna fix it? "
I hold up my last piece of bacon and say, " Rub some bacon on it! "
He looks at me and then he breaks out into laughter. We sit there a minute longer and Link comes back in, in his I'm on Vacation outfit.
" Ready to go? "
" Yep " I say.
Lincoln stands up and looks pale as a ghost, and runs out of the kitchen. Link and I give each other a confused look, then walk after him. I step back the second I hear puking.
" I think someone has the stomach bug too " Link says.
I nod in agreement. Christy walks in and helps Lincoln.
" Well I guess it's just the two of us " Link says.

We get in his car and drive to the beach.

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