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The whole day goes by in a blur and when I get home all I want to do is cry. I didn't see Locke all day and I want to text him, but I lost my phone charger and my phone is dead. I sit inside the warm covers of my bed and I fall asleep.
" Mae? " I hear a voice say.
" Yea? " I say groggily while brushing my hair out of my face.
"I have to do some work with Rhett, so I thought we could make this a fun dinner night, so we are gonna leave in 5, ok?" Link says.
" Okay " I say still waking up. I go to my mirror and I see my mascara smeared, red face. I clean myself up and brush my hair, then I go downstairs. We drive to the McLaughlin's and we are greeted by Rhett.
" Hey guys! Um, sorry Lincoln, but Locke isn't feeling so well " Rhett says in a mean tone, glaring at me and pursing his lips. I look down and I feel my eyes get watery. Link gives Rhett a weird look and Rhett sighs and brings him into the kitchen. Me, Lincoln, and Lando go sit with Shepard and play Mario Party on their Wii.

" Mae, can you come in here for a second? " Link asks. Oh no, Great! I hesitantly get up and I walk through the white doors into the kitchen. Link sits and the marble counter with Rhett, Jessie, and Christy, they all look so mad and upset.
" HOW COULD YOU? " Link says meanly fisting his hands. I look down and burst into tears.
" Do you know how upset Locke is right now? " Jessie yells.
" Well, your grounded for 3 weeks and give me your phone " Christy says.
" I, I can explain " I say shakily while putting my palm on my forehead.
"Save it! I don't wanna here your crap" Rhett says slamming his hands on the marble countertop. I run out of the kitchen into the bathroom and I lock myself in. I sit on the shut toilet and I have my head in my hands. I gotta do something about this I did nothing wrong. I get up and pace a bit. I see a lemon-lime Frebreeze bottle and I squirt it and take in the strong citrusy smell. Something about that calmed me and makes me think straight. I don't really think at all, but I march out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

" You listen hear okay? I wouldn't hurt a hair on Locke's head for anything and I'm gonna explain what happened! " I say as I feel my face get red with anger more then sadness.
" These kids named Brad and Collin pinned me up against lockers and this kid named Davis started kissing me and I couldn't move and I tried so hard to get out. And I...I...just, would never EVER want to hurt Locke. Ok not that kind of, of person " I stand there balling my eyes out and I feel long skinny arms wrap around me. I cry into them. It's awkward because I'm in someone's armpit that smells like Axe.
" I'm so sorry Mae " The voice says from above me. Link. I feel the hug get bigger and we are all group hugging. We back away and I see Locke's head poking out from behind the counter.
" Locke I'm sorry it looked like something it wasn't! " I say sniffling.
" It's okay. " He says walking toward me and giving me a huge bear hug.
" Ew " I hear Shepard say.
" Shut up Shepard " Locke says.

This night and relationship turned out to be okay.

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