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I look at the funeral program with my parents on the front, my hands shake holding it and I start to cry again. I would've thought that my tears would have run out by now, but I'm a infinite river of tears.
I set down the program on the red velvet couch I'm sitting on and I bury my face in my hands.
Link grabs my wrist and leads me to a private room in the back of the funeral home. He pulls me into a tight hug and Christy joins. He grabs both of my wrists and sits me down with them.

We sit in complete silence and I just shake while fighting back tears. My mind can't take all of this. My parents, the ones who I love and love me most, are gone, forever, and I can't get them back. I think of the last time I talked to my mom. I wish that phone call could have been longer and sweeter, but all it was, was fighting about stupid things. I didn't even get to tell her that I loved her, and I feel like the worst daughter on the face of the Earth, God I'm not even a daughter anymore! I'm just Mae, just Mae. Then the tears come again. I wipe them away and look at Christy and Link.

" Mae. We both just wanted to ask you if you would give us permission to do something " Link says while giving nervous glances to Christy and I.

I nod slowly.

" Mae, we would like to adopt you. Because you don't have any family and" Christy just keeps rambling and I stop her by me crying.

" You guys are the sweetest people I know. Thank you! " I say happily as I run to hug them.
" Yes "
The both hug me back and Link hugs back the hardest. Link and I have formed an amazing bond over the past 10 months, probably a better one then my dad and I had.
I finish my long eulogy for my parents and I'm pretty positive I got the whole crowd sobbing. I walk out from behind the podium and sit next to Ashley and her mom. I look at Ashley and she looks at me.
" Ashley I have to tell you something " I say knowing it will be the hardest to tell her.
" What M? " She asks.
I breath heavily and I know I have to just say it.
" I'm moving with the Neal's to California. "
She looks at me with the most disgusted face.
" Wow " she gets up and leaves.
I look down at my lap and I almost go after her but it's my parents funeral, my parents dang funeral and I couldn't give a crap about Ashley right now if I wanted to.
The rest of the funeral is beautiful and it's the best way to remember my parents.

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