The Mall

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Mae: I can't believe it's only a week till school starts
Ashley: I know 😭
Mae: I can't believe u hate school, I 💖 it
Ashley: Yea Yea, well I gtg
Mae: Bye ✌️

" Mae do you want orange juice? " Christy asks.
" Yes please " I say.
" Mom! I split my good pants! " Lando yells from upstairs.
" Good job Lando " Lincoln yells.
" Well, we're going to the mall today to go school clothes shopping " Christy yells back.
" Oh Mae, your Mom said that's she put money on your debit card for school clothes " Christy says.
" Ok " I say.

After we all finish breakfast, we get in the car and go to the mall. We first go to Macy's and get Lando and Lincoln pants, and Christy goes to help them so it's Link and I alone. The question will probably come up today, I've been able to avoid for 2 weeks, but he has kind of been hinting it.
" Hey Mae? " Link says.
" Yea? " I say nervous turning my head slowly at him, feeling my red face.
" I'm not mad that your going with Locke " Link says.
" You're not? " I say.
" Of course not Mae! Dating now isn't really like it is when your older you know? Like it's just a title " Link says.
" Yea " I say, he gets it.
This talk just gets weirder and I'm thankful when Christy comes. She takes me around the mall and helps me choose clothes.
remember if you want to be in the book in the future write your name, looks, and personality.

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