The Past Year

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I sit over my history book thinking about the amazing year I've had. My mind flashes back to all the great memories.
I look at my beautiful bronze ombré dress and Locke's matching tie. We are both so excited for the fall formal. Jessie and Christy stand in front of us taking photos and Rhett and Link talk to each other and occasionally snap photos of us on their phones. It was such a beautiful day. I see the sun setting in the orangey yellow sky, and the colorful leaves fall from the trees.
We get into Jessie's car and head to the dance.
Christmas with the Neal's is really fun. We are sitting in Christy's parents house, and Link and Christy's dad talking about the time where Link fainted in his arms, and the time he hooked Lincoln with a fishing hook. I look at Link's beet red face, and I giggle. Christy's mom is also really sweet, she insists I call her Grandma and she made me help her with making the cookies. I literally fit in with this family so well! But I miss Mom and Dad so much!
I sit at the counter and I eat the snack that Christy made for me as I finish my math homework.
" Ow! Ow! Ouch! " I hear Link say in a high pitch voice from the front door.
I get up and see what's going on.
" What the.. " I say as I see Link sitting on the ground pulling at fuchsia high heels.
" They're stuck! " He exclaims. I laugh and I help him pull them off, immediately after I go on Twitter and tweet.
" Pulling high heels of off a guy. That's a first "
I laugh to myself as I try to get back to studying, but the picture of Link coming home today and dancing for us with a cardboard cutout, trying to be an exotic bug makes me laugh harder.

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