Life Is Good

273 7 12

A year and a half in the future.
I watch Lando slide down the slide and I sit next to Locke on a park bench. It's been a year since we broke up, but we really couldn't be closer friends!
" Guys the Ice cream truck! " Shepherd yells.
We all run to the curb to see the ice cream truck, we all decide what to get and Rhett pays.
" Thanks Rhett! " I say.
" No Prob Mae Mae " He says smiling at me.
We eat our ice cream as we take the sidewalk from the playground home.
" Before dinner! " Christy says to Rhett.
" Sorry! " He laughs.
" Eh, once won't kill em " Christy says.
We all file in and we sit on the couch and I'm next to Link.
" Whatcha watching? " I say.
" This stupid documentary Rhett told me to watch! I don't give a crap about the life of a sailor " Link says.
I look down at my phone to see that Ashley texted me about Tyler Oakley, her new obsession.
I'm glad we are best friends still, I mean it's kinda like a long distance relationship.
I smile and I stare out the window over the TV.
I always have to remind myself how lucky I am. For the Neals to have adopted me a year and a half ago and they are the nicest and most caring "parents".
You'd think after a year and a half I'd know what to call them, but there just Christy and Link.
I mean I'm still Mae and yea I might have a new last name but I'll always be me.


wow this is the first time I've ever finished a book! Thank you everyone for voting and commenting!

In a week or two in going to start a book called " YouTube Intern " so keep your eyes open for that!

thank you again

- L💗

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