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We walk through the front door and I see Lincoln in a lime green and purple soccer jersey.
" Ready for the game " Link says.
" Yep " Lincoln says.
Link walks up the stairs to his room and Lincoln says to me.
" Today is the last game and if we win we win the whole tournament "
" And you'll do great " Christy says to him while patting his shoulders.
I run down to my room and I change into jean shorts, a flowy white tank top with lace trim in the end, gold scandals, and I French braid my hair. I decide to text my dad:

Mae: Hey Dad✌🏼️
Dad: Hey Mae Mae! How are you?
Mae: Great 😉
Dad: Is the family you're staying with nice?
Mae: Yea, they are super nice!
Dad: Oh yea your mother told me that your staying with a guy from Good Mythical Morning
Mae: Yea, he took me on the show today 😄
Dad: That must have been fun! When will the video be posted?
Mae: Tomorrow!
Dad: I'll make sure to watch it :)
Mae: I think I gotta go! Going to watch one of the sons soccer game
Dad: Okay I'll talk to you later! Oh and sorry I couldn't talk last night, I had to work late
Mae: Oh it's all good!
Dad: Ok well wish me luck, I have a trial.
Mae: Good Luck! Bye have fun with your lawyerness 😂
Dad: Bye

I put my sunglasses on and I head downstairs and we leave.
We walk on to a grassy field and we sit in a line of fold up chairs, Lincoln starts warming up with the team and when he is doing push-ups I see this tall chubby kid calling him weak and fighting with him, and I feel bad for him! I look over and I see Christy shaking her head, and Link is looking at the ground mouthing words.
I then see a nice looking redhead walk with a man and a woman over to us.
" Hey Christy! Hey Link " She says.
"Oh, Hey Stella! How are you sweetie!" Christy says.
" I'm good! " She says happily.
Link gets up and and talk to the man and woman.
" Hey Lando " She says.
" Hi Stella! " Lando says.
This must be the Stella that's a dancer!
" Do you guys want to sit with us " Link offers.
" Sure " the man says.
Stella sits right next to me and smooths out her purple skater skirt as she sits.
" Hi! " I say.
" Hi! " Stella says. " You're the replacement for Lily right? "
" Yep " I say.
" Where are you from " She asks.
" Michigan " I say.
" Oh, you have snow right? " she says.
" Unfortunately yea " I say.
" You don't like it! I've always wanted to see snow! " she says.
" Yea the first couple weeks are fun, but it being like -15 everyday gets old quick! " I say.
" Oh yea, I bet! " She says.
" So your going to the middle school I'm assuming " Stella says.
" Yea " I say.
" Are you in band? " She asks.
" Yea, flute "
" Cool! I'm trumpet " she says.
We sit silently for a minute and she says, " If you want I could show you around the first day! "
" Omg, that would be great! " I say. She is super nice!
" Do you do sports or anything " Stella asks.
Gosh this girl talks a lot! But it's okay I do too.
" Yea, I dance " I say knowing what her response will be.
" Omg! You do! I do too! " Stella says. " Are you gonna dance while your here? "
" Yea, at LA Dance Academy " I say.
" Wow! You got in there! " Stella says. " I auditioned their, but I'm a tap/hip hop dancer and that's not really gonna help you get into a ballet/contemporary company ".
" Yea I'm taking Contemoerary 6 and Pointe 7, but I don't know what the numbers mean " I say.
" Oh they say what level you are in. Your in the highest ones! Your gonna be with seniors and stuff! You must be really good! " Stella says.

Stella and I talk for awhile and watch the game, I see that Lincoln's team is losing bad! And he is really bummed out by the second half.
" Thanks for making us loose Lincoln, or should I say Lame-coln " the chubby kid says, making the worst pun I've ever heard.
" SHUT UP ZACH " Stella yells.
Zach glares at Stella and Stella says to me, " Yea my brother and him do not get along! "
" Oh, that's your brother! " I say astonished, they are so different.
" Yea ever since Lincoln got the best spot on the team, Zach has pretty much hated him. " Stella says.
The rest of the game Lincoln is crazy good! He scores tons of goals including the winning goal at the last second. We all jump up and scream, but Link is probably the loudest.

I don't think I've realized it, but I'm a bit jealous of Link. Unlike my dad, he can have fun and be comfortable in his own skin. Like for example, when I'm in public with Dad and I'm dancing and singing funnily to the music, he looks almost ashamed of me. My mom always said that I definitely didn't get my silly personality from my Dad. I mean he is ultra silly around my mom and I at home, but he is a sophisticated lawyer, and reserved I guess.

After a couple minutes Lincoln comes back and Link says he did so good that we should all go get Frozen yogurt.
We get in the car and head to a yogurt place. We walk in and immediately a girl that looks 15 or 16 jumps up and runs to Link.
" Oh my God Link, I can't believe I'm meeting you! I watch GMM every morning and I love it! " She says.
The girl goes on rambling and Christy says to me.
" This happens once or twice a day "
" Really! "
The girl takes a selfie with Link, and Lando turns to me and says.
" I photo bombed "
" You did? " I say laughing.
" It was nice meeting you Marie " Link says.
" You too! " She says as she partly squeals.
We get yogurt and we all sit at a big round table.
" So Rhett and I are making a music video at the pier and beach for the next two days and I thought we could make a fun trip out of it " Link suggests.
" Yay! " Lando says.
" But you guys can go and hang out at the beach or watch us film, but you guys can't get in the way " Link says.
" Okay we won't Dad " Lincoln says.

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