Going On GMM

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I wake up to the sun blinding my eyes, I get out of bed and go and brush my teeth.
After that I put on my light pink skater dress, white converse, my silver charm bracelet, and I clip back my right front side of my hair.
I sit on my bed and I read The Fault in Our Stars.
*High Pitched Scream*
I jump when I hear a scream coming from downstairs. I don't know what happened, but I run down the stairs and I see Link in the kitchen on one of the wooden kitchen chairs with a scared look on his face.
" What hhappened " I say out of breath.
" S s s snake " He says pointed behind me.
" WHERE! " I yell.
I turn around slowly and I see a long dark green snake slither along the kitchen counter and I hop up on the chair with Link and scream.
I scream loudly, then I yell, " I HATE SNAKES!!! ".
Snakes are definitely one my worst fears!
After about five seconds I regret getting on the chair with Link. You know your too close to someone when you can hear and especially feel them breath. I look at Links hands are on his red sweaty face and they are shaking badly.
Then I see Lincoln walk in rubbing his eyes, and he gives us a confused/laughing/scared face.
" Uh, what's going on? " he says sleepily.
" There's a snake in here " I half way yell.
He starts laughing like a lunatic, then he pulls an iPhone out of his pajama pocket and snaps a photo of us.
" Lincoln! Not funny! " Link says sternly with a look on his face that I don't wanna see again.
Then Lincoln gets a bit of a scared look on his face then he chases the snake around the kitchen till its wrapped up around his hands. He then goes to the glass sliding door and is about to drop it till Link says.
" No! Put it in the Mason's backyard, they love animals " Link says to Lincoln.
We all then laugh and we step of the chair when Lincoln steps out of the house.

" Do you want some cereal? " Link offers between his deep inhales and exhales.
" Sure! " I say knowing my face is red from fear.
" Uh, Lucky Charms or Mini Wheats " Link asks.
" Mini Wheats are my fav! " I exclaim.
" Me too! " Link says.
We both sit and eat Mini Wheats while we get to know each other better, like he now knows my favorite colors are hot pink and ice blue, my birthday is November 11th, and my favorite animal is a peacock.
" We gotta get going " Link says as he looks at his watch.
" Okay " I say as I put my cereal bowl in the sink.
I hop in the passenger seat of his car and we drive awhile till I realize he is pulling up to a Starbucks.
" It's it ok if I stop in and get a coffee? " Link says.
" Yea that's totally fine " I say.
We walk in and step in the line.
" Want anything? " Link says.
" Uh, no that's ok " I say even though a lime refresher would be amazing!
" Mae you don't have to be so polite! Come on I'll get you whatever! " He says.
" Well, okay! I'll have a frappe " I say even though I still feel kind of rude.

We finally pull up to a small building and we walk in and I'm kindly greeted by a small blonde woman.
" Hey Mae! I'm Stevie! " She says.
" Nice to meet ya " I say back with a shy smile. But I feel like this isn't a place for shy people, so I tell myself to be relaxed and funny, even though I'm kind of freaking out about being on camera.
We walk in a little further and I'm greeted by a lot of nice people and I see the space where they film.

I pull out my phone and snap a picture and send it to Ashley captioning it,
" Guess what I'm gonna be on 😏 "
" No way!!!!!! 😱 "
" Yep!!! 😜 "

Rhett sits behind the table on his phone and Link sits beside him.
Rhett looks up at me and he tells me to sit behind him and Link, and they will say a couple of things while they cover me by leaning in and then when they split so everyone can see me I'll say "Let's Talk About That".
I go and sit in a small chair in the back by a filing cabinet with totally random and weird stuff on it.
" Okay let's get started " Stevie says.
" 3, 2, 1 " A man with a bread says.
" I've sent away my daughter Lily " Link says.
" And on top of that you replaced her " Rhett says.
They split and I say, " Let's talk about that ".
" Okay then the intro will play " Rhett says.
Link scootches over and then a lady named Jen pulls up a chair for me.
" So this is Mae and she will be staying with me and my family for about a year, because I got her in exchange for Lilly, because they are both apart of the USA Exchange Program " Link says.
" So Mae tell us about ya " Rhett says.
" Well... I'm 11, I dance, and I'm super excited to be here " I say happily with a smile.

" Oh, so I got a text this morning and it was from Links son Lincoln " Rhett says while trying to hold in a laugh.
" Oh no " I say with a laugh.
" Great! " Link says.
" Oh so you know what it is " Rhett says.
" Yea, well we kinda got in a little incident this morning " I say while looking at a screen above the camera at myself.
" Well, As some of you guys may know, I HATE snakes, and I found out Mae does too " Link says, " And when I woke up this morning and I went to my kitchen and there was one slithering around the floor and I hopped up on a chair and screamed ".
" I'm surprised you didn't faint, and Hey! Your suppose to be the serpent king " Rhett says, but I don't know what he's talking about.
" Haha and I only faint around blood " Link says laughing.
" Well then when I heard Link scream I rushed down to the kitchen and I saw the snake, and I'm terrified of snakes! So I immediately hopped on the chair with him. " I say.
" Then Lincoln came in and took the snake out, because unlike me he loves snakes " Link says.
" And then Lincoln texted me this pic " Rhett says.
I then assume that the picture will be shown on the screen, and then Rhett shows Link and I the picture.
I instantly laugh at my face. I have the most terrified face and it's hilarious and Link's face is the same.

The show continues and we do Q&A Questions, and we get questions like.
Advice questions
Worst Fears? Mine is snakes, drowning, and bugs.
And finally what do your kids want to be when they grow up?
After we answer all the questions we spin the Wheel of Mythicallity, and it lands on Interpretive Dancing.
We all dance and it's hilarious!

When the show ends, I start to get up then Rhett stops me, " Are you gonna stay for Good Mythical More? "
" What's that? " I ask.
" It's the show after the show " Link says.
" Oh Sweet! " I say excitedly.
" Welcome to Good Mythical More where we are gonna try some Japanese candies sent from Siena in Tokyo. " Links says. As soon as Link says Tokyo Rhett goes Ooooooohhhhhh, I burst out laughing because I have know idea what's going on.
" What the heck? " I say.
" Whenever someone says Tokyo, I have to yell. I don't even remember how it got started. " Rhett says.
" Anyway, I'll get out the candies and give them to Mae and Rhett, and you guys can guess the bizarre flavors " Link says.
" Okay " Rhett says.
Chase hands Rhett and I blindfolds. Rhett's has some eyebrows on it and mine has a pair of glasses that looks like Links.
We both slip on the blindfolds, and Link hands me a candy that feels like a cough drop and I pop it in my mouth.
I instantly feel my gag reflexes about to start and I spit it out into a mini waste bin. It was ketchup flavored, it HATE ketchup. I dry heave over the trash can for a minute and thankfully nothing comes out.
" You okay there Mae? " Rhett says with a chuckle.
" Ketchup, that's ketchup " I say disgusted while wiping my mouth.
" Yep " Link says with a laugh.
The next ones are like Bacon, Cucumber, and Carrot and they are all gross!
" Good Job Mae your a Youtuber in the making! " Rhett says.
" Thanks! " I say.
" Oh here I got you and your friend a T-shirt " Link says as he is handing me two black T-shirts with their logo on it.
" Thank You! " I say, " Could you and Rhett sign it for her " I ask.
" Sure! " Rhett and Link say at the same time.
" Jinx. You owe me a soda " They both say.
After they sign it Links drives us home
Hey Guys! I gave yall kind of a long chapter :) I hope your day is going good and thank you for over 50 reads :) :) :)

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