Flight to Los Angeles

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I hear the annoyingly loud alarm I set, and I roll out of bed and turn it off.
I look out my bedroom window and it's pitch black, and all I see is the garbage truck and a few cars. I walk to my dresser, do my hair and I slip on my dress and my silver gem flip flops. I look and my mirror and I try to imagine what they'll think of me, but I don't even know. I then put some makeup on and I go down to the kitchen.

" Morning Mae! " My mom says way to cheerily at this time in the morning.
" Morning " I say trying to sound awake and widening my eyes.
" You sound tired, did you get decent sleep? " Dad says peeking over top his newspaper.
" Yea, um I don't know. I was just.. nervous, I guess " I say truthfully.
Dad folds his newspaper and sets it down.
" Mae, why are you nervous you should be excited " He says.
" I know, I know, I just hope they like me " I say looking down.
" Princess, they would be crazy not to like you! " He says hugging me.
I smile, " Thanks Dad, that helped " I lie.
I sit down next to Dad, and mom sets some French Toast and berries in front of me.
" Thanks Mom! " I say. I'll miss her cooking so much!
We all eat, then we get in the car and ride to the airport.

All the way we talk about everything except me leaving, which I'm very thankful for. I don't want to leave, yet I do. I've been feeling guilty for leaving, and I'm trying so hard not to. We pull up to the airport, and Mom and Dad walk me through the luggage drop off, then we get to security check and I start to cry. This is the part I was least looking forward to, Mom and Dad start to cry, then we hug for about 3 minutes.
" Are you gonna move or not " a mean looking man says from behind me, while clutching his fist. He's obviously not a morning person.
" Yea, just give me a minute " I reply as nice as I can, but really I kind of want to punch this guy in the face. I guess I'm not a morning person either.
" I'll miss you so much " Mom says.
" Me too " Dad says.
" I'll FaceTime you guys everyday okay! And I'll miss you both more then you will ever know! But I'll be home soon! " I say over my cry.
" Bye Princess " Dad says and they both hug my tighter.
They then step back and I look at their tear stained faces as I step through the security something in the pit of my stomach tells me I shouldn't go, I stuff that feeling away as much as I can and I take a deep breath.
" Bye " I yell feeling the feeling in my stomach get stronger and stronger.

And finally I'm far enough that I can't see them. I breath in heavily and I get my carry on bag then I head to the tiny Caribou Coffee. I get a coffee ( even though I'm not aloud to drink coffee ). I look at the little brown cup and I decide I should have a sip. Since going on a flight by myself is one of the only things I've done independently, I decided I should try coffee, because why not. I take a ginormous sip, and I almost gag. It's super bitter and disgusting!
I walk to a place where they sell magazines, candy, ect. I get some gum and I stuff it in my bag. I keep drinking the coffee, and even though it's gross, I start liking the taste of it. The next thing I know I am sitting outside the terminal.
*FaceTime Notification*
I look at my phone and it's Ashley.
" Hey Ash " I say looking into the phone.
" Hey " she says sad, " I just wanted to say bye and I'm really sorry I couldn't be there!".
" Ash, it's okay, you didn't have a choice and I hope your having fun in Connecticut " I say trying to cheer her up.
She cries and we talk until I have to board the plane.

When I board the plane I sit down and I buy wifi with the money left over. I put on my headphones and watch Pretty Little Liars and chew my gum until the plane lands. As soon as the plane starts to descend I take a picture of some Palm trees with my camera and I load it to my laptop and post it on Instagram captioning it, my new home for the next year💜. And I remember that the people from USExchange Program said they would be waiting for me at luggage pick up #6.
I get off the plane and I head to luggage pickup #6.
Hey Guys! Sorry that I left ya at a bit of a cliffhanger!
But in the comments guess who is waiting for her Hope your day is great!

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