The Worst Tragedy Of My Life

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" No come with me to Neverland " George Washington says.

" No it's past your bedtime " Christy says to me with a stern face.

" No Christy! I'm going! " I shout.

Christy just starts sobbing and I try to run to her but I start falling down a deep dark hole.

I jolt up from my desk where I was studying and I see that it's 1:00 AM. The crazy dream replays in my head and all I hear is Christy crying. But when I hear Link join in I realize it's not in my head. I get a crazy feeling like I'm on steroids or something and I run to the hallway faster then I've ever ran in my life.

I see Lincoln walking slowly to the stairs, where the noise is coming from, we make eye contact and walk close together. We hear a loud scream ( that I think came from Link ) and me and Lincoln squeeze together. You would probably think it would be super awkward, but Lincoln and I have gotten super close from last July to this May and we hug tighter and tighter as our fear grows stronger and stronger.

We go down the stairs that lead to the dimly lit living room as quietly as we can. I see Jessie and Christy sitting on the floor against the couch bawling there eyes out, Link is crying while leaning up against the wall and occasionally pounding the wall with his fist, and Rhett is leaning up against the mantle above the fireplace with his head in his hands. We walk down more steps as quietly as we can until one stair creaks, everyone turns and looks at us and Jessie immediately gets up and runs to me then hugs me really tight. She mumble words through her cry and I make out; " It's gonna be okay!

Rhett looks at me through teary eyes and my whole body starts to shake harder, I then mouth to him:

" What's going on? " I say with so much fear inside me.

" Should, should, I tell her " Rhett says with a quivering lip and with his eyes darting around the room at everyone.
No one answers, they all look at me with sad, pale faces, but after a couple seconds I see Link nod at him slowly.

I walk toward Rhett slowly and I stand by him by the mantle. I hug myself tight, because God I'm scared! What the heck happened.

" Before I tell you, I just want you to know we are here for you " He says slowly with pain in his eyes.

" Rhett what the heck is going on? " I say scared with a million thoughts going through my head. I wipe away my tears and listen.

Rhett takes a deep breath and says, " Okay. Earlier ttonight your Mmom, Dad, Lily, and your Auntt Tanya, and Uncle Tony were at your house, and... and.. "

" Rhett. " I say with a whimper wanting to know what happened.

" Somehow, some oil leaked in your house and an electrical fire started. " Rhett says.

My heart drops and I gulp guessing what's coming next. And I look at the ground while fighting back tears.

" Mae, no one made it " Rhett says looking in my eyes.

My mind freezes, no thoughts go in or out. All I know is that I fell onto the ground and my knees slammed so hard and the pain is unbearable.

Not the pain in my knees, but in my heart.

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