To my Surprise

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I get on the escalator that leads to luggage pickup #6 and I see a man in a buttoned flannel, skinny jeans, grey high tops, glasses, and his arm around a pretty blonde woman, and two blonde boys, and the smaller little boy is holding a sign that says "Mae Johnson". My eyes grow huge and I do a mental face palm for being so stupid. I didn't connect the dots.
The Neal's, Lily Neal, LA, California! How could I have been so stupid!
I keep walking and in the few seconds I have I decide to pretend I know who he is, but very scarcely.

" Hi " I say with a smile.
" Hi! You must be Mae! It's great to meet you " The man or Link Neal says.
" It's great to meet you too " I reply.
" Well, I'm Link and this is my wife Christy and two sons Lincoln that's 10 and Lando that's 5 " He says gesturing to them.
Lincoln only a year younger then me!
" Well it's really nice to meet you all " I say.
We all walk over to the luggage claim and we sit on a bench until my bags come.

Lando and Lincoln start to play a game with Christy and Link and I sit in kind of an awkward silence.
I decide it's now or never to bring it up.

" This is weird but... Are you on YouTube " I ask while tucking my hair behind my ear.
" Yea actually I am, me and my best friend have a channel " He replies obviously happy I know.
" It's Good Mythical Morning right? " I ask.
" Yea! Do you watch us " He asks as he pushes up his glasses.
" My friend watches you and she's shown me a couple of your videos " I lie.
" Oh " He sounds a bit disappointed, " what videos ".
" Ummm... It was like Can you Popsicle it and Rub some bacon on it " I say.
" Oh, you haven't even seen our best ones, I'll have to show you some later " He says.
" Okay " I say happily.
I think about how this year will be so fun, spending it with a YouTube star! And I think about what Ashley's reaction will be. I see my suitcase on the belt and I go to grab it and I am about to lift it and Link says.
" No I got it, I don't want you to hurt yourself " I smile and reply.
" It's okay, I won't " I say as I lift it.
He look at me like I'm The Hulk or something.
" Gosh! Your strong! " He asks.
I giggle.

We get the next two bags together and finally we are in their car, and Christy says kindly through her sunglasses looking at me from the review mirror.
" So Mae tell me about yourself "
" Well I dance... ", then Christy cuts me off, " Oh Yea! Your mother emailed me and said you got into the dance studio near our house and you'll be taking classes on Thursday nights " She says excitedly. And I notice she has a subtle southern accent.
" Yea " I say.
" It's really super impressive that you got into that place, one of Lilly's good friends Stella tried out and couldn't get in and she's pretty good, so you must be really good " Link says looking at me from the car mirror in front.
I giggle kind of uncomfortably.
" Sorry I cut you off Mae " Christy says nicely.
" Nah, it's okay! I also like to sing and act. And I play the flute " I reply.
" Oh I used to play the flute! Since your gonna go to the middle school, you should join the school band! " Christy says excitedly.
" Yea, I think I might! " I reply.
" Lily was in the school band and she loved it, she plays trumpet " Link says.
They seem super nice and I can tell they miss Lily.
" Oh Mae, we are going to our friends the McLaughlins house for dinner tonight, and we'll leave about 40 minutes after we get home " Christy says.
" Okay " I say.
I get super excited, I get to go to Rhett McLaughlins house! I think to myself that I sound like Ashley, but I'm not as obsessed.
I look out the car window and we pull into their drive way and we all hop out and Link and Lincoln help me with my bags.

" Thanks " I say as they set them in a guest room that I assume is mine.
" No problem " Link says.
" Um there's a bathroom around the corner and there's a TV and a closet over there " He says pointing.
" Thanks " I say, I think I'll like it here!
" So have you ever been to California before? " Link asks.
" Nope, this is my first time " I say sitting on the edge of the bed stiffly. I mentally scold myself, and I kind of slump over and put my hands down from the folded position, to seem more comfortable.
" Well, I bet this will be a nice change from the snow, Lily has always wanted to see snow and since she's in Michigan now she'll get a lot of it " Link says.
" Oh Yea, that's for sure! It's get down to about -15 there! " I say.
Link scrunches his nose and says, " I hate the cold. "
" Me too! " I say slowly.
We talk for a while, then it's time to go to the McLaughlin's house.

We hop in the car and we drive to the McLaughlins house.
Hey Guys!!! How's it going! Hope you enjoyed this chappy!!!
I think it might have been a bit boring, but it will get exciting! I promise!!!!

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