i.Teddy DuChamp

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You had been friends with Gordon for years, mainly because your parents were close before the two of you were born. You saw each other as siblings none the less, and you were friends with his friends. Although, you did have a school-girl crush on your friend Teddy, but only Chris knew of this.

A knock broke you out of your thoughts. "That's not the secret knock!"

"I forget the secret knock, let me in." Vern cries. Chris and Teddy let him in and he tells you about Ray Brower, and how his brother found his body. You all agree to go find his body and separate to gather supplies you would need. You meet up with Teddy and Vern and wait for Chris and Gordie.

"Why a gun?" You ask after Chris told you all about the gun and what Gordie did.

"So I could protect you." Teddy puffs out his chest and you chuckle. Teddy was known to tease you. At least you thought it was teasing, the two of you were so oblivious.

"Come on Teddy, quit flirting with Y/N, we should get going." Chris says walking ahead with Vern and Gordie, you and Teddy staying at the back.

Later that day, you find out that no one brought food and a small amount of money. You pile together all your money and head over to the junkyard where the famous Chopper lives. You offer to go with Gordie and the two of you leave the others to go get food. It did not take long, but your feet hurt, and you still had a long way to go. You and Gordie talked the whole way there, but after the clerk brought up Denny, Gordie seemed out of it. The two of you were so wrapped up in your head, you almost didn't notice the boys were gone.

"Hey! What are you kids doing here?" That's when you started running, Gordie right behind you, making sure you didn't fall.

" Chopper sic 'em boy!" You hear him yell. You get to the fence and climb over, landing next to Teddy, and Gordie scaling the fence after. He didn't say Sic Balls, you thought.

The man starts to yell at you, Teddy defends you only to have his dad be brought up in a horrible way. Even making him cry, to which you hug him as you walk away. He stops, making you stop.

"Hey you guys go ahead. I need to talk to Y/N." They go ahead and you look at him.

"Teddy, is something wrong?" He just stares at you and finally he leans in and kisses you on the lips. He pulls back right away and you stand their in shock.

"I knew it. I knew you didn't like me, is it the ear or the glasses? I mean who could ever love a guy who has on ear?" You lean up and kiss him.

"Shut up Teddy. I could." You say.

"Yeah, I guess you could."

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