p. lost boys

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How you meet

Sam- you meet at Edgar and Alan's comic book store. You both were looking at batman comics and reached for the same one he let you have it, only on the condition he would get your number.

Edgar- you met at school when you were partners for English. He tried keeping you away from vampires so he could keep you safe but after Sam and Michael came, he was forced to tell you when they needed your help.

Alan- you met at his comic book store when you dragged your older sister in. He made Edgar help you look for comics because he was nervous to talk to a girl that was pretty and liked comics.

David- You were walking home from a party when he offered you a ride. You declined and walked home while he drove slowly next to you begging you to get on.

Marko- you were at the boardwalk looking for your mom when he offered to help. You liked the way his hair and clothes were so you gave him your number.

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