i. keanu reeves

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"i love you, okay?" you scream at the retreating figure. he turns around with a small amount of tears in his eyes. 

"i love you too." he rushes towards you and pulls you into him, a kiss landing on your lips. 

"i am so sorry," you whisper, looking into his eyes. 

"it is not your fault." you cry into his arms. the scene is stopped when your director calls for a break. 

"that was a good scene. take 5." he stands up and stretches his legs as he is handed a coffee. you storm away from keanu, disgusted at the scene you have with him. he chuckles as he follows behind. he falls far behind you, but jogs to get ahead. he opens the door to (b/f/n)'s trailer. you roll your eyes as he follows behind you. 

(b/f/n) laughs when they see your look of annoyance. "how was the kissing scene?" 

you sarcastically laugh as you plop down next to her. "it's not fun kissing someone i hate." you take a swig of the water that was on the table. keanu was doing the same but choked on it when he heard what you had said. (b/f/n) laughed.

"oh come on," keanu whined. "i am not that bad." 

"oh-" you lean forward. "-it is not your lips i hate. it's the shit that comes out of them." 

keanu's mouth drops and (b/f/n) bursts out into laughter. 

"oh man, she got you!" 

"(y/n), come on. just one shot!" you costar said, handing you a shot glass of some drink. you contemplate before slamming it down. your friends cheer around you as they continue to drink more. soon, almost everyone at the party was hammered, yourself included. 

"(y/n), your boyfriend is here!" (b/f/n) yells over the loud music that was playing.    

"i don't have a boyfriend. i am single for life!" you slurred.

"keanu is here." they yell at you. 

"silly, we are not dating." you slap their shoulder as keanu walks towards you. 

"hello," keanu says as he grabs a drink from next to you. you stare at him in a drunken haze. "you know, it is poliete to say hello back." 

"well, i wasn't the only one who did not say hello to you."

"oh yeah? you are standing here alone." your jaw drops as you turn to see (b/f/n) has walked away. 

"that bitch." you slur and giggle. 

keanu grabs your arm and pulls you to a couch so you can sit down. you huff and cross our hands over your chest as people crowd around you to play some drunken games. 

"7 minutes of heaven! you all know it, i am not going to waste my breath over this!"

you lean your head back into the cushion of the couch as you watch people leave and come back due to the game. it becomes keanu's turn as he spins the empty beer bottle. you watch as it spins, your head getting dizzy. so dizzy, that you fail to realize the bottle landed on you. you look confused as you look at people's smug faces. 

"come on." keanu held his had out for you.

"it landed on me, didn't it." you try to whisper. you sigh and grab his hand. he leads you into an open room and sits on top of the dresser while you plop down on the bed.  

"do you really hate me?" you ask, looking at the bed's comforter. 

"y/n... i do not hate you. you just assumed i did." he shrugs and flips his hair back. he flings himself off of the dresser and he makes his way to sit down next to you. 

"i don't really hate you either. i just treated you the same way you treated me. i am sorry." you whisper. he looks at you with a smile. 

"i am sorry as well. you know, i like you." he chuckles. 

you turn to him and look into his eyes. 

"and i like you too." 

that was all it took for the two of you to share a real kiss... not like the ones you had shared before while filming. 

"i love you, okay?" you cry out to keanu. he turns around, his eyes glossy and lips quivering. 

"i love you too." he runs towards you and pulls you into him, a kiss landing on your lips harshly. you pull away softly. 

"i am so sorry," you whisper, looking into his eyes.

"it is not your fault." you break down into his arms as he runs his hand down your hair and back. 

"cut! that was amazing you two, what the hell changed?" if only they actually knew.

(b/f/n) - best friend name

awe, i loved editing this imagine because it was one of the earliest ones i had written when i was like fourteen years old.... man, does time fly.

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