i. teddy duchamp

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you met teddy three years after ray's body had been found. you were annoyed with him at the beginning because he made fun of the dress you were wearing, yet, you still kept coming around.  he respected the fact you were quick with a comeback but he denies the fact that he stuttered trying to think of something to say after.

"hey teddy." you plop onto the floor next to him. he smiles as he shuffles the cards in his hand.

"hey, y/n."

"do you remember how you said my dress made me look like i was fifty? and then you stuttered after i told you your glasses make you look seventy-six."

" i didn't stutter!" he drops a handful of cards onto the floor. 

"not how i remember it." i giggle, watching him hastily pick up the cards.

"shut up." he laughs and throws the cards onto my lap. the spill onto the floor again and you pick up a king and a queen cards.

"are you the king to my queen?" you shove the cards into his face and raise your eyebrows a few times with a smirk.

"why yes you are, my queen." he yells standing up. "and i will fight for you, even if it means it would be the last thing i do." you laugh at the gun noises he makes, pretending to shoot around you.

"oh teddy. too bad." you stand up, making a gun shape with your hand. "you failed to protect your self."

you raise the gun up to his head and make a bang noise. he falls to the ground, laughing. while you laugh at him, he pulls your feet, making you fall next to him.

"hey y/n." he whispers, looking into your eyes.

"yeah?" you respond, confused because he was never this quiet.

"i like you." his cheeks become red and he gives you a small smile.

"i like you too." you smile back.

"can... can i?" he asks. you nod as the two of you lean in.

"teddy!! you still up there?" you pull away when you hear vern at the bottom of the ladder.

"yes verno!" teddy responds, annoyed at the chance he missed his opportunity to kiss you.

vern opens the door and looks at the two of you, confused.

"why are you on the floor.... were you going to screw?!"

"what?! no!" you respond and sit up.

"awe you wouldn't want to?" teddy smirk making you punch his shoulder.

they were your best friends and you wouldn't want to change that for anything.

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