i.Vern Tessio

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Vern's POV

It had been years since we found the body. I had drifted away from Chris and Gordie but for some screwed up reason my only friend was Teddy for the longest time. That was until Y/N moved from New York. She was the reason we became the three musketeers. I started to become different, I was no longer the pathetic one of the group. I was the one who made plans and we were always seen together in the halls before school and at the end of the day. I got a girlfriend but it did not last long as I found out she cheated on me with my brother. Teddy and Y/N were over at my house every night for a whole week after I found her in bed with him.

I never expected to stay friends with Teddy as long as I did. We stayed friends until a little bit after we had become seniors. He drifted away from us while he tried to get into the army. Y/N and I knew it would never happen with the eyes and his ear, but we never tried to stop him because we couldn't tell him no. He was too into trying to join.

Y/N on the other hand, that is a completely different story. She has stayed my best friend since I have no clue as to why. I still have a hint of the being the pathetic friend but she didn't care. She has stayed with me since we were in the Eighth Grade. Her kids are great, they take after their mom.

They look like her too, I guess that's why I love my kids so much. They take after my wife.

I WROTE THIS IN JUST A FEW MINUTES BUT THIS IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE OMG. This is so cute and nobody ever writes about Vern :(.

years later, and this is my favorite imagine i've written.

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