i.Sam Emerson

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You had been friends with the Frog Family for as long as you can remember. You would hang out with Edgar and Alan when your parents would hang out with their parents, which was a lot. You had even started helping them around the comic book store. At first, it seemed everything you did to the brothers, was wrong, but you soon got the hang of it.

"New Customer," Alan whispers, staring at the boy over the top of your head as the two of you put comics on the shelves. 

Edgar and Alan begin hazing him; well, more like teasing him over his clothes and attitude. 

The boy gives it right back and you stifle a laugh at this reaction to the vampire comic. The two had tried the same thing on you, but you went along with it because they were your friends. Plus, what else was there to do besides go onto the boardwalk and be around a bunch of sweaty and loud people. 

"What Ed and Al are trying to say is, blood-suckers are real. And if you want to keep all of your blood. Take the comic." Edgar and Alan glare at you as you say the nicknames and Sam check you out. He takes the comic as Edgar and Alan run out after a small group of people that took a comic from the store.

"Are you going to come back tomorrow?" You ask him grabbing a random comic off of the display and start reading it.

"Sure. I mean why not." Sam gives a lopsided smile and turns away, leaving you alone with the Frog parents. 

The next day, Sam walks back into the store.

"The comic was a lot to take in, but I liked it even though it was really weird," he smiles at you, holding out the comic for you to take it back.

"Keep it, on the house. It is the least I can do if you are going to keep hanging out with Edgar and Alan." The two of you laugh and continue talking, which was not hard to do when the store does not have that many customers.

The two of you stop talking when you hear Edgar call for you from the storage room. "Y/N, I need some help!" 

"Coming!" You excuse yourself from Sam and walk to the back. 

"I need you to put these on the shelves and stop flirting with the new kid. It's gross and I do not want to see it anymore." You scoff.

"I was not flirting." You try to argue but he just turns away with a quick smirk. Your jaw hangs open while you carry the box back to the shelves and begin to put comics on to them. While you put them on the shelf, Edgar and Alan continue to tease Sam. You start to stifle your laugh when they hand him another vampire comic. 

"I can't read that, I barely finished the other one." 

"Are you scared?" Alan chuckles.

"Yes-I mean no. I mean, kind of. I don't like scary comics." Sam looks around the store and leans into the Frogs. "I only took the comic because Y/N gave it to me." 

You laugh at the brother's faces and you set down the box and walk out from behind the shelf. You take the comic out of Alan's hand and give it to Sam. "If you took the other one because of me, take this one too."

You walk back to the box as you laugh at Sam's embarrassment. He was cute, but it was fun to mess with him.  

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