i. alan frog

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author note: imma hoe for alan frog. that's it. that's the note.

"sam. i really do not understand why you make me follow you." you sigh as he pulls you away from michael into a comix book shop.

"i am your older brother and mom would kill me if she found out you went off by yourself." you roll your eyes.

"oh that is just great. you and michael can wander me but i can't." you keep walking, ending up at the back of the store.

you hear your brother talking to some of the workers while you looked at comics. you smirked as he started to correct them on some of their comic placements and the two just became more annoyed with your brother; which happens a lot more than same would like to admit. you look through the different comics but you jump when the two workers yell and start chasing some people.

"what was that about?" you ask sam as he shuffles through a comic. he contemplates for a minute before putting it back.

"i don't even know. they were weird and i hope i don't see them again," he chuckles and the two of you walk out of the store.

"i thought you said you didn't want to see them again?" you ask sam as the two of you walk into the same comic book store from before. "and i thought you didn't like horror stuff. you get too scared when you read it. so why are we back?"

"shut up y/n," he said but gave a small half smile. you see one of the boys-the dark haired one-tap his brother on the shoulder when he sees the two of you.

"he's cute," you smirk and whisper.

"no," he tells you.


"because i'm your brother and i say no. mike would probably say the same thing."

before you can say anything, the two boys are standing across the aisle you and sam are in. you awkwardly smile at them and roll on the balls of your feet while the two stare at the both you. sam begins to walk down the aisle and the cute one starts talking.

"notice anything... unusual about santa carla yet?"

"no it's a pretty cool place-if you're a martian-"

"or a vampire." the bandana-wearing one says.

"what is this? the 1800's? vampires don't exist." you scoff. the dark haired one smirks and bandana frowns.

"we are serious." bandana says.

"are you guys sniffing old newsprint or something?" sam jokes.

"you think you really knows what happening around here don't you? you don't know shit."

"yeah, you think we work in a comic shop for our folks, huh?" the dark haired one cuts into the conversation.

"actually i thought it was a bakery," sam teases.

"i'd like to be at a bakery," you sigh, under your breath. the dark haired one hears it and almost smiles but keeps his face clear of emotion.

"this is just our cover. we're dedicated to a higher purpose. we're fighters for truth, justice and the american way."

"oh dear lord." you sigh and walk in front of your brother. he follows but is stopped.

"hey man, read this."

"i told you. i don't like horror comics." you turn around and grab it. the dark haired one chuckles quietly.

"sam, it's a comic. it is not real." you raise your eyebrows at him.

"i don't like horror comics though."

"think of it as a survival manual. our numbers on the back. pray you never have to call us." the dark haired one looks at sam intensely before giving you a smirk and a wink.

"i'll pray... that i never need to call you."


"jesus sam. can you please shut up?" you yell at your brother as you open the door. your breath catches in your throat as you see your oldest brother michael flying outside of the window.

"y/n! will you please let me in?"

"no! we won't let you in. you're a vampire michael!" sam screamed. "call edgar and sam!" so that was their names. you run to the phone and dial the number on the back of the comics. bandana answers it.

"quit being a smartass. sam and my brother is a vampire!"

"wait really?" the dark haired one said.


"bad breath? long fingernails?" bandana asks.

"does the sunlight freak him out? does he sleep all day?"

"yeah! i know what a vampire is, and my brother is one."

sam runs into the room and grabs the phone.

"what should we do?" he asks. "i can't do that! he's my brother! no!"

"what did they say?" you asked

"that we should kill him." he sighed and slammed the phone down.


"are you sure you want to help us?" edgar, or bandana, asked with a smirk.

"are you asking me that bcause i am a girl? you should actually be asking sam because he got nightmares from reading that comic you gave him." you smirked back, causing alan to laugh.

"shut up y/n" sam whined.

"hey y/n? wanna help fill u some of these water guns?" alan asked. you nodded, stuck your tounge out to your brother and walked side by side with alan.

"are you ready for this?" you asked him as the two of you say in silence.

"oh yeah," he gave you a soft smile before turning back to what he was doing. we quickly finished what we were doing and regrouped with the other boys.

you were 100% not ready for this. vampire were horrifying. especially when they were towering over you while you clung onto a boy you had barely known. nanook saves the two of you when he pushed the vampire into the water and once he had died, the two of you celebrated quickly. he smiled for a few seconds before he went to go downstairs.

"alan?" you stopped him. he turned around and you did something you probably wouldn't have done a few days ago. you kissed him. you both melted into the kiss before parting. "huh? never thought my first kiss would be in the middle of situations that could kill me."

but hey, at least you were happy during the kiss. now all you needed to do was kill the head vampire. that should be easy. right?

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