i. brad anderson

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sitting up, you take off your walk men headphones and you can clearly hear the car honking in your driveway. they must have been out there for a while.

"y/n, get your butt out here!" you can hear your brother daryl yell from outside. you sigh and go to the door. "get in the car!" he yells, leaning over the front seat to honk the horn.

"come on y/n," you hear sara yell. why were sara and daryl together? that was never good. you open the door and walk outside. chris, sara, daryl and brad were all waiting for you.

"let's go!" daryl yells as you walk to the car. brad opens the door and slides over, letting you sit in the window seat.

"where are we going and why am i going with you?" you ask, a little irritated you had been pulled away from your music.

"downtown, and mom and dad would kill me if they found out i left you alone in the house. they would feel a hell of a lot safer knowing you were with me," he flexes his arms.

"are you really going to save me with those noodles. i mean, even brad has more muscles than you," brad scoffs, his cheeks giving a red tint.

"you know it," he retorts.
while you were listening to chris' babysitter hook horror story, you didn't notice your brother pull out your father's playboy.

"what?" you hear brad making you turn away from the story. you lean forward and catch a glimpse of the magazine. to say it caught you by surprise was an understatement.

"daryl," you whisper yell at your twin brother. brad turns to look at you and his face turns beet red when you make eye contact. he grabs the playboy and climbs over you to toss the playboy out of the window. daryl tries to stop him but brad was already sitting back into his seat.

"that was my dad's," daryl yells at brad. brad jerks his head back towards you, but our attention was already back to chris and sara.

your attention on them failed to see the look brad was giving you. daryl whispered on his ear that he looked like a love sick puppy... but there was no way he, brad, could ever get a girl like y/n, his best friends sister, to like him back.

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