i.Chris Chambers

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Imagine he is older.

"No Chris." You say turning away from him as he tries to kiss you.
"Come on Y/N." He complains.
"They will be here soon." You say referring to your other friends. They didn't even know you were dating, that was the way Chris wanted it.
"So. We can stop before they do." He argues.
"You don't want them to know." You argue back.
He groans. "Y/N. Please. I'm a 15 year old boy."
"And?" You ask him turning your head. Bad idea.
He kisses you and you kiss back. He smirks in the kiss and you pull away.
"I thought you said no?" He teases.
"Just shut up and kiss me." You start to kiss again when it starts to get heated. He pulls onto his lap not pulling away. You two were so into kissing that you didn't hear Teddy climbing up and opening the latch. You only pull away when Teddy starts laughing.
"Oh my god." You fall off his lap and onto the floor.
Vern and Gordie come up and are confused at why Teddy is laughing, you are in the floor, and why you and Chris both have red faces.
"Holy Shit, Chris was getting it with Y/N." Vern looks confused but Gordie starts laughing.
"What?" Vern asks.
"They were making out Vern."
"Oh. I've never had friends that have made out before."
"Shut up Vern."
They start teasing the two of you.
"Told you Chris."
"Well I'm sorry I didn't know that Teddy would be quiet." He argues back.
"So Chris. Did you give her the tongue?"
"Shut up Teddy." You yell.

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