i. alan frog

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your parents divorcing was the start of your life falling apart. then you had to move with your brothers and mom across the country to live with your grandfather. and if that wasn't enough, your brother turned into a vampire and you, your brother and his friends had to save him and kill the head vampire.

this summer fucking sucked.

so when you were able to get away from sam and the frog brothers while you all were back in school, it was peace and quiet. you were sick of the only things they talked about were how badass they were when they were killing the 'bloodsuckers'. you wanted to keep the memories out, especially david grabbing you as a way to get michael to come near him. your tears falling down your face as you felt his nails dig into your throat the longer michael took to get near. you can still feel them in your dreams, waking up sweaty and with a scream lodged in your throat, begging to come out. most of the time, you were able to calm yourself down, but sometimes it would last throughout the day. leading you into silence all day. and if your peers hadn't thought you were weird before, the days you were silent and kept your head down, for sure they did now.

you were in such a trance, you hadn't even realized that sam, edgar and alan had left their lunch table and came and sat with you.

"y/n. what's wrong." sam looks at you. "you've been really different today."

you don't even look at him as you get up and leave the lunchroom.

alan sits at the table staring, confused as to what had changed. when he first met you through your brother, he did pick up that you were quiet, but you talked with so much spunk when you did. this... this was different and he had no idea how to get you back to the y/n he had fun with. god, he missed you.

you enter the bathroom, tears filling your eyes again. you fists tighten. you wonder why the boys are not dealing with the same feelings- maybe not as intense as you are, but they don't realize how traumatic almost dying is. all it would have taken, was david just tightening his grip a little harder.

you realize quickly that this was not going to be one you could sooth before lunch ended.

alan sits in the classroom, waiting for you to sit in the seat nearest the window. the perfect spot for him to watch you. when you don't sit by the time the bell rings, alan stands up and rushes out the door, successfully availing the teacher who was turned around facing the board- not like he would have realized, he doesn't see past the third row. he has no idea where you are, but he first tries at your locker, thinking maybe you would be there packing your things. he doesn't see you there so he next checks the office, wondering if you were waiting on your mom to pick you up. other than having to hide from the secretary, no one else is there.

oh, please don't be in the girls bathroom. he stands outside the door, staring. he opens the door a crack and just listens. he hears sniffling.

"y/n." the sniffles stop abrubtly. "i am going to come in. please don't let me though if you aren't alone." he steps in slowly. he doesn't get told to not to, so he walks in.

he sees your feet and legs under one of the stalls. "can you unlock it please." he asks. he is relived a bit when he hears the lock turn. he pushes it open and sits down across from you. (a/n think steve and robin in stranger things)

"what's going on?" he asks quietly.

"i don't..... i don't know alan." your voice cracks.

"you've been different since we got rid of the vampires. is it something to do with that?" he notices you flich and look at your nails. "i am going to assume it is. is there anything to do that i can do to help."

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