i. joey trotta

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falling in love was easy, hiding your feelings away from your friend was even harder. but it never failed, the more you were around joey, the longer days felt because time stopped when you would look at him.

"y/n, we are all going to joey and billy's dorm. wanna come with?" snuffy asks, wiggiling his eyebrows at joey's name. as much shit snuffy was put through by the boys, him and y/n had an unbreakable friendship. in fact, he was the only person who knew about y/n's crush on joey. (other than her own mother who did not read about the crush in the diary she did not find under the girls mattress when y/n was at school.)

"hello boys," y/n opens the door while both her and snuffy walk through. everyone was finally in the room, billy was not able to tell them his plan.

"why is it everytime we are all together, it turns about to be some shitty prank?" the only female asks, making the boys, excluding billy, laugh. even if she didn't mean it... kinda.

y/n never expected exactly a year later, she would be dressed in all black and standing next to billy and snuffy as she mourns the loss of her best friend, joey. no one expected it. y/n had dry eyes the whole service. she only started crying when the casket his body was in was being lowered into the ground. her cries turned into sobs, billy and snuffy both engulfed her in a hug, before her legs could give out on her. some of the other boys joining in on the hug too.

they would all miss joey, the artist of their small group. billy knew of y/n's crush, but him and y/n would be the only ones to know about it.

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