i. yogurt

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*toy soldiers*

you had felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest when you heard the news. you cried for hours. your big brother was dead, and the last thing you said to him was that he was just like your father. you didn't mean it of course, you had an argument and you knew that would make him feel sorry, but instead he left and you didn't see him again because he went back to Regis.

"Y/N," Billy says walking up to you, his eyes red. "i am so sorry," he hugs you and you see some of the boys he had rold you about. You cry into his shoulder.

"you know he talked about you alot during the whole time, he loved you," Billy tells you.

"I don't know why he would, i told him he was just like our father right before he left," you step away from him and look at him.

"he told me that, he forgave you. he knew you were angry at him and that you said it just to get him angry."

4 hours later

the coffin was lowered in about an hour ago and you had yet to move away from the grave. billy left to go get you a blanket but he wasn't the one that gave it to you. It was Yogurt, one of the boys Joey had known at his school. billy had introduced you hours ago to the friends joey had made through his time at the school.

"hey," he says and sits down next to you, the blanket streched out in his hands.

"thanks," you say quietly.

"billy wanted me to give it to you, i dont really know why," he says truthfully.

"thats billy for you," you give a small laugh but stop as you look at his grave stone. "i miss him so much. i missed him when he was at school and i knew i would be able to see him, but now i wont be able to see him ever again."

"you know, Joey would want you to get happy. He was always talking about you when we were in the room and he had the biggest smile when he was talking about you and bragging that you were really smart and that you wuld do something with your life."

you didnt realise that you were crying until he wiped your cheek, you looked at him and he blushed.

"sorry," he says, his voice cracking a little.

"you are fine," he smiles at you.

3 years later

Yogurt asked you out two weeks ago and you were really happy. you missed joey, but you knew he would want you to be happy and he would be happy you were with a good guy.

"y/n, are you ready?" he asks while you walk down the stairs.

"yeah," and so you two went to joey's grave which would be the first time you went with him again since you two first met. you cant believe it was 3 years ago today that Joey died. but, the two of you would work through the pain of losing one of the best guys together.

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