Chapter 4 -Untrustable

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Ace looked at him straight in the eyes, wondering if somehow a friend of his has been hypnotized. "Raymond" Ace's breathed deeply and I sensed that either he or I had the same feelings- terrified. "Calm down, it's me, Ace-"

"I don't care who the hell you are" he snapped. Still bracing the shotgun near him. Suddenly, Ace slide in front of me, blocking the way, shield me, protecting me. "Stay behind me, Lydia" His voice were soft as a wind, protective.

"Get out of the way, Ace!!!" Raymond yelled in the gush of anger and hatred. At the same time, I couldn't believe this assassin would be tried so hard of keeping me alive, I'm just a stranger to him. Why would he care so much?

"I won't!" Ace's yelled back in some pure heroic and bravado voice. "If you kill her, you kill me.." Did he forget that he wasn't in a position of bargaining? That this Raymond here had a shotgun in his hand, that he could pull the trigger anytime and wipe us both? "I won't step aside until you lower your gun.."

"Why in the hell would I do that? Huh?" Now, he's facing Ace, unsatisfying drawn over his face because he couldn't get to me. Yet. "Please" Daniel beg for me."Listen to him-"

"Shut up!" Raymond hissed. He gave the deadliest glare at Daniel.

"She's a vampire. Her bloodsucker folks killed my wife! They killed Emma! They killed her while she's expecting my child!" He screamed out loud. In the anguish of pain and misery.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for his wife's death and his unborn child. What kind of animal would do such a thing to a pregnant woman? How cruel and ruthless would they be to harm her...

Raymond opened his mouth to speak and his voice was heartbreaking, tears crackled at the end of his eyes, leaking down his face. "She was a bloodslave. I thought when they paid us for her blood, they would only take as much as they need..." shotgun in his hands were shaking because his body was trembling with sadness and grief.

"It was fine at first. They keep their promise" he paused. "Until one night, when I finally got home, I found blood on the floor and rushed to my room just to find her dead body, butchered, torn to pieces beside the fetus that been removed from her womb!!!"

All of us shocked by what he told us. Witnessing the confession of this man at the night his wife and child were murdered in such an unimaginable way! Every word that Raymond had spoken was like pieces of glass stabbing through my heart, tearing it apart.

I might not kill his wife or his child, but being one of those monsters that killed his wife and child were close enough to wrap me with a thousand layers of guilt.

Meanwhile, Raymond's face was soaking with salty beads of tears. "Ray..." Ace held his hand forward, closer to his human friend.

His voice is comforting and soothing, soft like feathers brushing at his grieving friend. "I know you're upset. I know, but you have to calm down..." long, sculptured fingers of Ace's were moving closer to the shotgun like he tries to snatch it away slowly from Raymond. One inch at a time.

You can't ever know how it feels like to lose someone you love, have the whole world whacked away from you. Someone that matters to you, precious, the person that you ever cared about, gone.


I used to understand those feelings so much, not the way that I only understand them, but to put myself in that condition. Like, when I have to accept the fact that I don't have a mother, that my mother was dead giving birth to me.

That I have to live with becoming a motherless child and somewhere in my chest, the scars were carved so deep that I've never talked about it to anyone, not even my dad because he used to feel the same. Isabelle, that's my mother's name. Isabelle Llewellyn.

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