Chapter 20- Daniel

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This is a little flashback in Daniel's POV. It's irrelevant but I hope you enjoy it!

I groaned in exasperation, Biology class always makes me boring half to death, but always makes me wonder how could I possibly scored it very well. It's not like I study about it every day, the same thing about how could I scored Calculus test like a piece of cake.

I was born with Einstein's brains, probably from my dad. It practically runs in the family.

Today, I learned something about cell division. Prophase and Anaphase something like that, I didn't even take a look at my specimen on the slide that magnified through an objective lens.

"Hey, Dan" My pal, Leo whispered beside me. "Do you want to sneak out tonight? Greg throws us a hot party. Wanna come?" He invited me and I still felt very displeased. I've been to party a lot of millions of time, acting cool, meet some hot chic, kissing in, making love.

Oh yes, I still remember the last time I've sex with my ex-girlfriend Sally. Her sleek blonde hair smells of lemon, her freaking gorgeous body that I loved- she had perky boobs, awesome butt and her incredibly sexy catwalk...

She's indeed the most beautiful, foxy and sexy girlfriend that I've ever had.

"Later, Leo. I'm tired" I said, finally. "That witch would be there" I added.
"Sally?" I heard him chuckled. "Fine, she's a stripper anyway" I smiled hearing her new nickname.

Everyone knew we're dating. I can't help myself but feel lucky to have a cheerleader captain as my girlfriend. I might as well present her on the stage like trophies. I was a football captain and every boy's sworn enemy. Except for my buddies, of course.

But don't get me wrong, I don't love Sally because of her body. I love her because she was an attention-seeker and she's really good in bed. Total had me down as I whipped and begged her.
She's very naughty and surprising.

To feel her soft, taunting lips. Her hips feel like a fluffy bun. Her shameless personality that she's the one who knew how to turn me on. Feeling her curvy waist like a snake pressing against my muscular body.

Oh, baby. Please, give it to me...

The thought is alluring, to hear her voice once again. She's everything I ever wanted. Hey, this is my secret- I've 9 girlfriends, I'm never lost the count. I lose my virginity when I was 14, yeah with a gal named Dolly, first girlfriend.

TMI, I know. But, it was what most of my girlfriend asked me, "How many girls have you slept with?" And I was like, "Does it even matter?"

I don't understand why, but girls had one thing in common -they always tried to figure out what's on your mind. Or feeling insecure when I talked with other girls. Hello, I know I'm goddess hot but I'm not a cheated jerk.

I thought it's a free country, everyone has the rights to talk to whoever they want.

Back to the story, we broke up after I found the damn needy of my girl sleeping with another guy. It broke me completely. Yeah, she's suck.

Now, I want nothing else than one girl: Lydia Vinslen. I'm sort of assigned by Prof. Hart to give her a math tutor. Considering that she was too young for me, I just thought that I should let it go.

Some students thought were dating, but I just leave no comment. It was my business that they should stay away. It's not like I even cared, but honestly, I liked her.

I liked the way she's smiled, her proper attitude- despite I knew she was a President of Abstinence which I'm impressed with. Her shy and innocent look. It's been too long I haven't met an angel. When I'm spending time with her, everything feels right.

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