Chapter 11 -Joyride

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I wonder if the overwhelming rage and the sudden burst of anger that comes from Ace it's the one who made him gripped the steering wheel so tight that he wished he could break it.

He's driving like a maniac or someone who is under the influence of alcohol- a dangerous manoeuvre. I stared at him carefully, he looked depressed behind those blank, expressionless face. He's panting in short, deep and shallow breath like he's gonna explode, a grenade explosion.

I wrapped myself with the comforter and slow down the AC as I turned on the heater. A soothing warmth brushed my skin like a summer feeling.

If I only have towels to dry my damp hair, it would only take a second to get it done.

Daniel was quite like someone has slipped a sleeping pill in his morning coffee, except that he didn't have coffee this morning. He's exhausted from the tensed muscles as if for now he sleeps like an angel.

Watching with messy black hair and his visible jawline was disarming, he had prominent cheekbones, a beautifully sharp nose and a handsome feature that matched his thick, black eyebrows. He is so unbelievable.

I found myself blushing secretly in a bright scarlet red and a stupid grin formed along my lips. How can I be so happy by just looking at him, after all that happened? That I forgot that I did something terrible hours ago?

Only he could make my life seems a bit nice and meaningful than most of the worse. "I'm sorry," I said apologetically. "Why is that?" Ace spoke up, without glancing at me. "It's all my fault. I'm the one who leads-" Ace giving me a stern look, paused by his seriousness.

"It's not your fault, you didn't see it coming. Don't blame yourself for it" he assured me, his voice is very convincing that he could be an excellent negotiator. Didn't he know that?

We're taking the Mustang sedan since all of my shopping bags and food supplies are at the back of the car. Still fresh, at least. We don't want to waste anything. "Really?" I asked, just to be sure. I almost sobbed at the thought, my voice was heartbreaking.

"You think so?"

"I know so" he snapped back at me. "And I don't wanna hear any more of your sorry" he added, agitated. As for that, it warned me not to continue the conversation any longer, things happened and I need to live with it.

Beyond that, I just sensed the pure honesty and sincerity beneath Ace's voice. Though, I didn't bother to apologise to Ray (he told us to call him that, except for Ace) which is rational because he's the one who lost the house.

Not just a house, a memorable house of his beautiful late wife.

"Chicago" Ray had said, "It's the last place that we can go. We need to get out from their killing zone. We'll be safe in there, Leo lived there and he could help us, Ace" he leaned closer to the leather seat behind Ace, placed his palm on the leather seat. "He's dead, Raymond" Ace answered, grimaced. "What?!"

He cried in disbelief at the thought of being helpless, full of shock drawn at his face. "Yeah, in Atlanta. They found him three years ago and killed him" Ace explained in frustration.

He sighed as Ray took a few seconds to process what he just heard. "Well," he grunts and leaned back to his seat.

"Who the hell in this goddamn world will survive the life that we living in?" He pointed the question to himself. He just lost his house, his wife, his baby, now he just found out that his friend was gone.

Could our lives get a lot worse?

Ace gives the signal before switching lanes at the right and ever since we reached the highway he's slowing up. "That's the problem" Ace added, wasn't sure who he's talking to.

It's a problem but not a big one for me, Ray already mentioned that we're safe as long we're outside from the killing zone. I just hope that whatever left back there were dead and they couldn't track our scent.

"Chicago?" I swear that it was like a bulb popping above his head and his eyes flashed with a hopeful light. "My family in Chicago" he admitted.

Then, I started to think how awkward for us all to meet his rich and wealthy family. His father who is a successful businessman that running an estate and involved in a lot of investment and charity, that the fact her mother was a supermodel- she had once shone in Vogue magazine and the highest-paid model in Victoria Secret. That he's also the son of an aristocrat explains how he got to vampire royalty elite high school.

His life was like a fantasy, as much as a life of the Kardashians. Of all kids in the world, he's the luckiest one to live such a lavish, expensive lifestyle.

"Where?" Ace glanced at him as we desperately in need of shelter. He must be living inside a mansion or on an estate that worth millions of dollars. "Illinois" he replied.

Like me and Daniel, we're too different, so incompatible and I already had it figured that we do not belong together. As much as I'm known for self-loathing was as much as I know that I was not good enough for him. So to speak.

"Sit tight, we're heading there" Ace announced. We're passing 7-Eleven at Broadway and the gas station. It took him 10 minutes to refuel the gas as I shopped in a bit at the convenience store, bought some warm Yahoo, boiled peanuts, fresh mints, a road map, energy bars, 5 cans of beer for Ray and a blueberry Slurpee for Daniel.

After a few bathroom breaks and we're sick of ourselves getting stuck in the smelly car which it feels like forever, I got myself a latte cup from McDonald's "Drivethru" and accidentally bit my lip when I drank a few drops of additional flavour red blood.

It tasted salty but it woke up the bloodlust and I just torture myself when it twisted my limb on the knot. Ace got himself a black coffee (without sugar) and a pack of Winstons.

Ray had himself knocked out after a few gulps of alcohol (thank god he didn't puke along the ride) Daniel chewed a few pieces of bubblegums, drink a soda and enjoyed a delicious hot dog.

To be honest, he's more craving food than the rest of us. I've spent a few dollars on that but the plans don't change when I'm still on a decision to cook us dinner for tonight.

After 8 hours of driving and I started to feel nauseous from the confined space and everything. It was a night where the air was a cold breeze and Ray and Daniel were asleep beside the two of us.

I already get back pain and swelling and I could see Ace's knuckles turned white from driving, he suddenly spoke "I'm sorry" he begins.

"Huh?" For what? And our eyes locked in gaze and how his beautiful hazelnut-almond eyes got me dazzled in astonishment.

I'm crazy to know how compelling his dark eyes is, his golden tanned skin and his soft, shoulder-length black hair. His pupil darkening and widen like he's going to hypnotized me, I'm torn apart between these two good-looking boys.

He looked away from me and continued, "I don't know that my killing style frightens you that much, but that's how I killed people... things- Wild Wolves -like you did. You hunt those things so I thought you're okay with it" he shrugged, exasperated.

"My fault, I should have known that you just an innocent kid. I apologise" he finished and settled on his seat.

Stretching his muscles around his jaw and neck as he circled his head around. It makes me melt about how he could make himself look so sexy. Ace was pretty but more like in the way mysterious, quiet, secretive man.

"It's okay" I accepted his apology, and then what's only left was me and him. Alone. On the way to Chicago in a sweet little ride.

Read, comment and vote people! I started to think who is among you to ship Lydia-Daniel-Ace in triangle love. Love ya!

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