Chapter 15 -Two birds with one stone

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Ace walked in a particular direction on the sandy white beach. A cold wind blew through his long hair. Seagulls squawking noisily and circled him.

He liked this feeling, away from the crowd. He could focus on his thoughts. He started to listen to other people's thoughts when he was 12, which is when his parents send him to the Sharmans Academy and sell him.

Feeling abandoned and betrayed. Anger and hatred was a powerful force that could change a boy into a man.

He's been categorised as first-class students and he's been trained to be an assassin. He survived the hardcore test called Assassination Trial:

Theme: Bloodbath
Number of students: 12
Number of cycles: 3
Rule(s): Only one survivor

He killed another 11 students on the way. Survived thrice through that trial, since then he's chosen to be a spy and working for the Sharmans. To be honest, he never finds peace.

He closed his eyes and imagined himself in a black empty box inside his head. Drown the senses that he had on the surrounding. His mind was cleared, his body turned numb and his inner soul separated from his body.

He is now light and transparent, outside from his skinsuit. He closed his eyes as the words spoken between the gap of his mouth.

"Resxvedous sul' haden nkya nim pulso" he chanted, "Bishop, I know you can hear me, I know you can see me. Please carry my message and deliver it to Helius"

A wave of heat exploded within him, he's burning with the heat of a fire. He opened his eyes and irises flashed with black that has no white around it.


At the Philon territory, the bodyguard Bishop caught the "summoning eye" and carried it in a hurry. He knocked on the giant door as he excused himself in.
"My Lord, Ace has summoned upon you" he closed back his eyelids and the message delivered to Helius.

Heidi and Heimlich eyed him suspiciously as soon Bishop vanished. Helius opened his eyes and the vision of Ace and his surrounding flashed behind his eyes.

"Ace, what a pleasant surprise. It's been too long since you've reported to me. I started to doubt you, son" he said. The word "doubt" was like an arrow that shot him through every side.

"Did you have the girl?"

"Yes, My Lord"

"Good, do what you've been told"

"My Lord. May I stated the opinion that it would be better to let the girl live?"

"NO!!!" Helius disapprove.

"It must be done with the girl. There's too much stake. If she lives, she'll avenge his father. You killed her, let Laurent come to you. You used her as bait, you killed Laurent then you killed her. Either way, both of them has to die"

The words were like a knife stabbed through his heart. He tried so hard not to feel it before Helius could sense it. But he failed, he fell for this girl. Could he have the guts to kill Lydia? Or fight against Helius for her sake?

For the first time in his life, he had never felt so torn apart before, so in love. He stuck between love and loyalty.
He almost shed tears and his body shook.

"Is that clear?"

"Yes, My Lord"


Ace full of silence and a strong, disarming wave of psychic power from Helius breaking down his walls. He almost knew what he was thinking.

"Or...there's something more? Something unusual feelings from you. Fear" Helius gave him a sceptical look.

Oh no

"Funny thing. I don't feed you with fear and love, Ace. I feed you with rage and hatred..."

Feed yourself with rage and hatred, Ace!

He tried. He reminiscing back in the time his parents leaving him without daring to look back. The 12-year-old boy cried and whined with sadness and fear.

No! Come back!

A burst of rage and hatred coated his heart. He clutched a fist and the hot rage flowing down his veins. He shields himself from being weak and helpless.


A voice barged into his head.

I wished I could have a mother. How lucky for a child to have a mother on their side, feeling her sweet embrace and kisses. Sadly for me, I don't have one...

It was Lydia's voice. That soothing down his soul and give him happiness from her affection. Lydia has the strongest bond with a mother that he has ever known, which he will never understand.

He never heard her blame her mother for leaving her in this world or feeling hopeless because of being motherless. She had the purest heart and full of love.

It burned down the wall of rage and hatred to ash and Ace could feel that this girl had changed him becoming a better man than he'd ever expected.

"My Lord?" Ace asked rather too quickly to distract Helius extraordinary power that almost breaking in but, that was enough for Helius to figure out that he's no longer reliable and he might be terminated just by knowing too much information.

He handled a top-secret mission like before, he's the best that they have got. But in this case, it was nothing usual.

"I shall take my leave" He sighed.

"Very well then. Remember Ace, I want two of them either way dead. I'm counting on you, son" Helius always addresses his people like they were his children. It's just a tradition.

He quickly closed his eyes and used half of his strength just to resist the urge to cry. He's never cried in many years before, don't want to. But today, he wanted to. He will lose someone he loved, again.

And that was the hardest thing he would ever do.

God, why? He almost screamed.

Why her? Have I never deserved to be with the people I loved?

He whispered to himself as soon he is back to his body form. Asking silently and specifically one question:

What are you going to do now, Ace?

Hey there, so I hope you cry reading this chapter. So yes, this is Ace POV on Lydia and a glimpse of how being a psychic and an answer to Ace whereabouts when he wasn't at Daniel's home. Hope you like it.

Read, comment and vote. Means a lot to me. Love ya!

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