Chapter 21- Puppet

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Daniel grunted with an unceasing pain shot through his brain that cracking his skull. "Oh, crap" he swore, feeling dirt and dried grass at the side of his face. Daniel placed both his hands on the solid, cold ground and tried to get up.

His wrists hurt and if he pushed himself any further, he might tear his fingernails. Swelling and bruises are all over his body. But, he managed to get his muscular arm in use. Black, long figure laid on the ground and his hands chained by metallic restrain around the neck like a dog. It was Ace.

"Ace," Daniel mumbled softly as he moaned in dizziness and pain. "Wake up," he said again as he pulled him from the shoulder. He looked at the chain chocker, which is locked by a golden padlock and somebody who put it on Ace must have the key.

"What the hell?" Ace swore. They're inside a dungeon and metallic bars surrounded us.


A clanging sound that similar to someone rebelled or protested, the voice of fear and concern erupted and hanging on the air. "Run!!!" A female voice and he immediately recognised the familiar voice. Oh no,

"Run, my son. Run!!!" It was raw, terrifying and full of suspense. It was Daniel's mother scream.

He grabbed the iron bars and with his human strength, he completely useless. For the first time, he ever felt disappointed in himself because failed to protect someone he loved.

"Mother!!!" Daniel screamed in response. Then, when the blurry visions cleared off his eyes, he reflected the shape of his Mom and Dad's body on the gurney, chained both of their arms, looking so pale and weak.

"Son..." My father croaked, so vulnerable and fragile like a dying fish. They looked like they're haemorrhaging
despite their boiled mushrooms skin. Daniel looked around the cell, searching for a way out. There's none.

He thought maybe he'd rather dig a hole in the ground even if it will break his wrists and peel off his fingernails. Even to give it a thought that vampires had sunk their fangs into their throat almost made him flinched.

"Dad!" He yelled, "Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here. Just hang on" He tried to shake down the cell, he's living in a nightmare where what he expected was an impossibility in reality.

"Son, listen to me. You have to run" Daniel's dad coughed blood. "Save yourself" his gums smeared with his blood like he accidentally bit his tongue. Tears roaming in Daniel's eyes, streaming down his cheeks.

How can you have the strength to watch your family die in front of you meanwhile you can still help them?

It's the biggest torture in the world, doing nothing to help your loved ones. It's not the incapability that's killing him, it's the wait. He doesn't know how much time left for him to save them both.

Doors clanging open, he saw stomping feet walking in towards his parents. Tall, intimidating, mysterious, deadly.
His curly brown hair like a shadow that strangled him down the throat, his face was dark and it almost scares him half to death. Every loud thud was a rapid beat in his heart, sweat dripping off his face. Adrenaline rushed through him.

"Hello, Daniel" He greeted him and his voice was a darker shade of smoke. "Who's there?" Daniel asked with a hint of fear. "I'm Laurent," he said, next words that come out of his mouth was like poison in his head and dagger in his heart. "Lydia's biological father..."

"Lydia would be so disappointed," Daniel said finally, hoping that would make him awake. "Agree, but she isn't here. Is she?" He asked sarcastically. "So, you knew my daughter-"

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