Chapter 18- The Confession

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Three hours before Kristophe's call...

I found myself doing nothing besides eating blueberry pancakes. Then, my ultrasound hearing caught the sound of the door creaking. A shadow walked in front of me as I heard a woman's voice just after I lifted my head.

"Hello? Who are you?" A woman who carried a huge Prada backpack looked curiously at me. I lost a word. "I uh..."
What I should tell her, I'm Daniel's girlfriend? Are we even considered involving in a relationship?

"Ah, we had a guest," A man said smiling at me with a friendly gesture whom I supposed Daniel's dad. "Daniel never tell us that we had a guest" His parents looked like a rich, married couple.

His father had curly dark brown hair and ocean-blue eyes. His mother was a gorgeous, perfectly ageless woman, tall and voluptuous. She had wavy, shiny black hair that falls from her shoulder.

"It's uhh..." It's like I'm exchanging bodies with a retard, anything I'm trying to say but it stuck in my throat. I'm sweating like a hell of nervousness.
"Mom, Dad!" Daniel yelled in surprise. "You're home early".

" Yeah, we rent a private limousine. The airport always got traffic jams. Dan, why didn't you tell us that we had a guest? You know it's inappropriate" his father took their luggage upstairs as his mother said, "Yes, honey. It's there any way that you would treat our guest nicely?" Her mother gave me a sympathetic look.

"No, it's fine. Daniel's been nice"

And I saw his secretive smirk that would tell me pretty much sounds like: "Oh, I'm being nice when I kissed you, babe". And I blushed. "Mom this is Lydia Vinslen. My girlfriend" he introduced me as soon as we shook hands. "Hi, it's pleasure to meet you" his mother greeted me with a lovely smile.

My eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, he always knew how to make me feel uncomfortable. "Lydia this my parents, Anna and Collin Foster" He turned to look at me.

And Ace appeared after he went in from the back of the door. "Ace, where have you been?" I asked worried about his face look so pale and terrified. "Nowhere" he replied simply.

"Why don't you join us for a cup of tea? I just bought a nice green tea from the Himalayas.." Anna offered. "Thank you, it would be great" I agreed.

"Uh, Mom...Dad?" Daniel looked anxious now. "Yeah, bud?" His father sat on the chair next to his wife when he just laid a tray with China ceramic teapot. Smell greenish and mint hit me. It's refreshing. "There's something that I need to tell you and I hope you can keep an open mind" he couldn't help but fear right now.

"About what?"

"About my school" Daniele answered.

Daniel told them about the school, about me and Ace and Raymond that was now awake. He told everything without leaving a single detail. His parents looked shocked and unbelievable, mostly they didn't know how to react.

"So, let me get this straight. We just sent you to Weaverheld where it was an elite vampire high school and somehow you still alive and well. How did we suppose to believe that?" Collin half-yelled, couldn't brain the idea of what just been told. I don't blame them, there's a reason why we're a mystical creature.

"I know it sounds crazy. But it's true. Look, you have to believe me-"

"Hon, we want to believe you. But, these things you tell us now is..." Before Anna could finish her sentence, I cut in.
"What?" I asked in a bit higher tone of annoyance.

True, it's hard to imagine but they should know that their son wasn't crazy either. Anna was taken aback by my voice but manage to calm herself before responding.

"Complicated," She tells me.

The situation got a bit tension now and the aromatic tea wasn't helping at all. But, I got to say the Fosters was quite friendly and I valued their humble attitude. "Daniel, can we talk somewhere in private?" Anna suggested and Collin was into it too.

"Sure" They walked to the living room and argued for hours, I didn't eavesdrop but all I could think of it must have to do with why they didn't send their son to a normal school and regretted not doing so. I even caught the words that Collin spoke: "Daniel, I think you should talk to Dr Hayes".

" I don't need a psychiatrist!" Daniel objects. My brain hang, psychiatrist? Did he get a mental problem? I wonder.

I returned to my work, opened my notepad, pick a pen. A few minutes, I punched some buttons of numbers at the phone on the wall. My call was answered but what happened next was something I didn't like.

"LYDIA!!!RUN!!!" It warned and shot an adrenalin rush through my brain. It's was Kristophe. I froze.

What?! What is happening?!

Then, a glass scattered at every angle. Whatever the tell it is, it tossed something heavy and metallic at every corner of the house. It clanging and clicking. It's round but light and I smell it flammable.


"EVERYBODY DOWN!!!" Ace yelled a scream that echoed just in the second it exploded. He tried to knock me down. Fire and smoke filled the air. Eight little fireballs flickering light and heat, the invisible wave of impact on the explosion reeling me off the ground, I lose my weight and flew outside through the kitchen window. Ace lost his balance and he was thrown a few metres away from me inside the house.

The blazing fire creeping and eating every marble, fabric, glass, ceramic, woods material. It burned along the roof, destroyed the stairs. They threw the grenades at every corner to destroy the load support. Woods creaking as the fire raged. The eight corners around the house collapsed. One of the cracked walls fell on top of me.

I coughed out dust and ash, my lungs suffocated. My ear ringing in a high-pitched tone that assaulted my eardrum. I covered my ears as the whole of my body struck by agonising pain. I couldn't move or hear. The ground couldn't hold my overloaded weight and the wall that pressing my body burying me to the earth.

God no! Please no!

I don't want to die right now. If I sinking a little bit more, I won't breathe and I'll be buried to the ground forever. There's not enough space and I panting for air. I struggled to get rid of the heavy concrete pieces off me but, I can't. I used to have super strength but now I'm just like an ordinary human.

I'm weakening at every second and my heavy eyelids closed shut. Darkness accompanied in front of my eye.


I gasped and my face was pale as moonlight. My fingers tingled with pain. Something cold and tight around my wrist. It was silver restraint and the chain was long attached to the wall, I'm inside a box, not even a room.

It's too small to be a room, enough for me to lay on the ground. My head still recovering from dizziness and for the first time, I felt so thirsty. The back of my throat dried up. I rasping the air because my throat is burning. I felt so miserable, so weak. I become a slave to my blood hunger.

"Hello, Lydia," An old voice said, eerie, poignant and deep like a shadow.

A tall, intimidating figure standing in front of me, his hair was dark as night and he looked predatory like a werewolf.

" Finally I found you, granddaughter"

He said it again and I wished I wasn't alone when I met him.

Hey guys, I know that I'm extremely cruel for letting you guys waiting too much. Well actually about to face an exam and I was like "last minute study" for a few weeks before I'm answering the papers. Anyway, I already make it up to you. Again, 💔 Sorry.

Read, comment and vote! Love ya!

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