Chapter 24- Knockout

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"My mother was a good person. You loved her, you said so!" I yelled in pure rage. My body radiating with anger and hatred, everything about him beating the crap out of me every damn time I bring up the subject hit me suddenly.

I can't believe my so-called father in front of me. He looked like him, but he wasn't longer like him. The hard-working, responsible and powerful king of vampires. Now he was different, he was a monster.

I looked at him as the glassy tears cracking in front of my pupil. Both of my eyebrows furrowed and my hand ached as I gripped the handle of my sword. "You know what happens next".

Laurent sighed. "My dear, did you forget how much I've been through just for you? Raising you and teaching you until you becoming who you are right now? Whether you agree or not, I did it for you. For both of us".

"You lied!" I snapped at him. I started to sob, will I have the guts to kill him? My father? He's probably an evil person, but he's still my father...

Who killed your mother...

A voice came in like a string snapped in my head. I blinked in confusion.

Think about her, if you can avenge her by killing the person who wiped her off the face of the earth. Imagine how she would feel...

The reality crashed down on me and my face slapped with realisation, thinking about how it's just right in the worst way.

Only then...she would rest in peace...

"Enough my child, get rid of your anger. Let us forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones. Rise with me, and we both will conquer in a great conquest" Laurent offer as he held out his hand for me.

"Never" as soon it came out of my mouth, my father retreated his hand and said, "Very well, if you want to die fighting against me I couldn't deny your death wish. You will end up..." he paused for a moment in a sarcastic voice. "Just like your mother..."

The word was like a knife punched in my chest as I held out a growl that no one ever heard, deep and dark like smoke. Everyone know was looking at me in short surprise.

Then, a vibration coursing through my body. I felt excruciating pain twisted in my heart as it beeping loudly. I squirmed in pain and put my hand on my breast.

I breathing in a rasp and my voice straining. I couldn't breathe as something blocked my airways. My face was now a red of a rose. My body sweating and my legs trembling. I felt paralysed. "What's happening to me?!"

Did my father just poison me?

"What have you done to me?!!" I fell on my knees. My chest went up and down in acceleration. I coughed and struggled. "Lydia! Lydia! Lydia!" People around me called but I didn't listen.

The pain was too strong.

"Sweetheart," Laurent taunted me. "Seems to me, it's been a while since you drink blood" he pulled the chain to the side and my eyes caught the black, messy hair behind him. Weak and tired. The chain chocked him on the neck.

It was Daniel!!!

"Daniel!" I called him out, but no response. He continued to kneel in front of Laurent. "My child, make it go away," he finished as he tilted his head to Daniel's side.

"Your life depends on it".

No! I couldn't. " No!" I resisted.

"Lydia" he croaked. His voice was raw and shaking, his hands were fragile digging to the ground out of fear.

He was terrified. Of my father.

"Heelpp me..." He begged. "Heelpp me"
His eyes are watery with tears in hope of mercy.

My throat was a dry as dessert and I stared at him like a hungry kitten who just found a dash of milk but refused to drink in. My body reacts like I've been hydrated.

Drink him! A voice of command. You need it! Go right there, bending your knees and hold him in your arms. Pin him down and lifted his chin. There will be a nice neck under his jaw and deliciously sweet veins of blood...

I tried to shake the thought out of me but I couldn't. Who am I right now?

And it would be a reddish perfume that tastes metallic, hot and smoky... You will swallow him greedily and delighted your rotten soul, appeased your wild instinct. And after you're done with your edible food, you will lick every last drop of him.

What the hell just happened?!

Come on, Lydia... Don't be shy...

Why am I acting like this?!

I couldn't control myself, I knew it and I bet Daniel knew it. His chance of survival after I drank him was impossible. I couldn't stop it, can't help it, not with my own will.

My head hanging in my neck and my hair fell and touched the cold ground. I couldn't look at him, not right now.

Because if I did, he won't be alive after this.

I walked across the hall, approaching the throne and bent down my knees, there's a pathetic creature with a desperate need of mercy flashed in his eyes. My nails digging at his ribcage with a rough crunch. He screamed out loud in pain. I formed a wicked smile as I'm enjoyed tearing his chest.

What a shame, I spent years just to feel this pleasure. I ripped off his bone one by one and my nails even scratch his internal organs like lungs and heart. He panting in a rush breath. After my claws grasped his accelerating heart...

No! No! It just in my head. I didn't do this! I didn't do this! I don't!

I buried my fangs at his neck and tightened my jaw. A purr of satisfaction escaped my mouth as I enjoyed the smoky blood coursing through my system. My other arms scrunched his ulna and broke his arm. I slowly hear the melody of the soft beat of his pulse...

No! This is not me! This is not me!

I looked sympathetically at the icy cold, the pale white and weakening body that wasn't even breathing anymore...

I killed him! I just killed him!

He's gone.


He wasn't breathing, not even a single muscle move and his eyes were squeezed shut. It's like I'm holding a static jelly. He's so fragile and vulnerable.

Daniel!!! No!!!

It's very unexpected. Now, I bet you going to wonder if Lydia killed him and I suggest you continue reading.

Read, comment and vote! Love ya!

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